one year and three days later

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It's been one year and three days
Since my brother was killed in a car wreck
But it hasn't felt like a whole year

The painful reality still hits
But the tears can be hidden
Day to day blur
And don't look at the time
Watch the leaves change colour
And remember what it looked like then
The skies are grey
The rain still pours
And still he hasn't come back

I know now that I won't ever see him again
Except in old pictures where he's younger than 29
And his voice rings in the back of my head
Every now and again
But I fear it'll fade over time
I'll never be able to give him a hug
Or cuss him out because we're both so equally stubborn
Or tell him how much I miss him

Here it is
A whole year and three days later
And I thought it would reset
Go back
Just because some divine force wanted me to see what would happen
If I didn't have my brother
Like those movies
Then we'd come back to reality
He'd be alive
And I'd apologize for all the things I never got to say to him

But that won't happen
I see that now
It's a year and three days later
And my brother won't be coming back home

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