•~Three Years~•

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Chapter One:

•"Yah! Oka-San~?" she jerked a little then looked up from her coffee to see Onew looking at her with his usual smile. "Huh?" she asked setting her mug down and covering her mouth to hide the cream stuck to her lip. He chuckled as he took hold of the handle on his cup "You were uh....dozing off again" he took a sip and Sori let out a soft sigh "Sorry....we've been really busy lately." Onew smiled at her again as he set his cup down "It's ok, I understand. It's only been three years since you've debuted in Korea, it's common to still be busy." Sori looked at him and smiled "Thanks again for taking me out for coffee. I really appreciate it." Onew looked at her and shook his head "It wasn't a problem. It's rare that we get a day off at the same time, beside, were friends." Now that she thought about it, they did get close rather quickly. In the beginning the two were just trying their best to not offend the other or make a bad impression. Now they can talk comfortably without hesitation. "Isn't it weird that we became friends so quickly?" Sori asked sitting with her hands in her lap "Not really." Onew looked down at his cup "Maybe it was because we were always together during your mentoring period. That and we have a lot in common, both being leaders" "Right" she nodded and turned her attention back to her coffee. Even though they could speak freely, Sori still found it hard to speak with him sometimes. It wasn't because he made her feel uncomfortable, it was because she looked up to him so much. She'd always admired him as a singer, actor and leader. To her, being friends with him didn't seem real. "I wanted to tell you..." Onew began and she lifted her head "A long time friend of mine is coming into town from LA." She smiled "Really? Are you two childhood friends?" "Neh, he's finally moving back after five years, so it'll be really good to see him." "Why did he move away?" she asked pushing her empty cup away from her. "Well..." he seemed to hesitate and she jerked "Oh! You don't have to tell me if it's personal! I understand if it's a close friend thing" she talked rather quickly and he laughed at her. "It's nothing like that. It's just....he's more of a free spirt. He likes to do what he wants and doesn't want anyone holding him down" "Ah, I see..." Onew nodded then his eyes drifted up to her. She had her eyes on her hands and he cracked a smile, she always seemed to act like this. Whenever they were alone together or just talked she was never the one to start off the conversation. And when it died down she'd just sit there quietly until someone else struck it up again. "What about you?" he asked curiously and she gave a blank look "Bwoh?" "What's going on with you? Anything you're looking forward to?" Sori looked off then back at him "Nothing really. Meeting with you was the only thing I was looking forward to today" she laughed a little and he smiled with a light blush "That's nice to hear." They both laughed with each other "See?" Sori looked at him in confusion as her laughter died down "Talking to me isn't that hard is it?" She sighed with a small grin and nodded "I'm sorry...I'm just-" A ring interrupted her, Onew went to answer his phone and she nodded as he left the table. Sori let out a soft breath and looked out the nearby window. Things have been hectic lately with the schedules and taking a breather was what she needed. She was rather surprised when he called her this morning. The fact that he got up this early just to take her out to coffee meant that he must have been thinking about her. Taking her out to calm her nerves was a sweet thing for him to do. I guess I'm not use to having a friend like him. Nice, kind, funny, handsome. Wait, what??? She shook her head quickly as he returned to the table "We're gonna have to cut our time short..." he sighed "What happened?" "They need me back at the building for something. I'm sorry, they called me on such short notice" Sori shook her head as she stood up "It's ok, I know you're busy so, I'll try not to take up too much of your time." He looked at her as he joined her at the door "Are you kidding? You're my friend, you can take up as much of my time as you want. Besides, since you and the others are on your own now, I don't get to see you as much." She smiled at him "You'll see me, Jonghyun and SoonHee are spending a lot of time together recently. So we might be seeing each other more often then you think" Onew smiled back as he held the door open for her "I'd hope so."

•Once they arrived back at the dorm Onew decided to walk with her all the way to the door. "If you're in such a hurry you could have just dropped me off you know" Sori said as they walked down the hall. "It's ok, they won't start without me and I wanted to walk with you a little longer." he smiled then dropped his head as she smiled back. They had many moments like this, laughing at each other after feeling embarrassed. None the less Onew was always honest with her and spoke what he felt, it just wasn't that easy for Sori. "Are the others here too?" He asked as they came to the door. "I think so, SoonHee's probably out with Jonghyun right now though." "He's still hogging her?" he asked with his hands in his pockets "Yup, he's gonna hear a mouth full from Nabi the next time he sees her." She opened the door and Gina pasted by "The love birds are back~!" she howled through the dorm as Sori set down her bag and went after her, Onew closed the door. "Onew Oppa~!" Nabi ran to him and he hugged her cheerfully "You're up?" He smiled at her "Isn't 10:30 a little early for you?" She pouted with a grin "Yah! I don't sleep that late!" "The only reason she got up this morning was because Gina was making chocolate cake" said Minseo walking to the sofa. Nabi gave her a glare and Onew made his way past her to the kitchen "Here you go" Sori held out a plate to him and he looked at her "It's cake. Think of it as gift for taking me out today when your really didn't have to." She gave a cheesy grin and he laughed "Thank you Sori, I'll call you later ok?" she nodded and saw him to the door "Annyeong~!" The girls all waved bye and Sori closed the door. "Oka-San, how was your date?" grinned Nabi as she took a bite of her cake.

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