•~Only You~•

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Chapter Eighteen:

~•Jinki took her back to the house the next, but there was no Tony. When David and Jewel went to check on him the night before he was gone. Jinki honestly didn't care at the moment, he didn't want Sori to run into him anyway. He held her hand firmly as they walked into the living room, it was all still a mess. "Looks like he didn't bother cleaning before he took off" said David. Sori stepped through the trash gripping Jinki's hand tightly, she was obviously still weak and he wanted her to get some rest. "Sori." she looked up at him "Me and David will clean up, you go get some sleep ok?" She made a troubled face "But I wanna help, please?" He hesitated and David stepped in "He's right Sori, it's only been a few hours since it happened, you haven't had time to sleep properly. We'll take care of the mess." he have her a smile and she nodded, letting go of Jinki's hand and walking to her room. "Wait!" he took her arm and she looked back "Not in there." he pulled her down the hall to the door at the end. It was his room, she knew because he always had it locked, which is why she was surprised when he wanted her to sleep there. They walked down the stairs and he flicked on the lights "Woa..." His room was huge, it looked like a whole other apartment. His bed was right next to the window, he had his own mini kitchen and living room too, sofa and all. "I see why you spend a lot of time down here." He smiled a little and looked at her "Well, now you can too." She gave a surprised look "I feel a lot better having you sleep down here, Tony will be back at some point and I don't want him to be able to get to you." Sori looked around again as he held her to his bed "You can change your clothes to, just take anyone of mine for now, ill come check on you later ok?" he smiled and headed back upstairs. "Jinki!" she ran to him and hugged him from behind, Jinki stood there for a moment, then looked back at her. She gripped his shirt and he tensed "Sori..." "Please..." she begged and he turned around as she stayed close to him. He kept his arms to his sides as she hugged him, he wanted to touch her but felt like he shouldn't. He hasn't even kissed her since "Sori I..." she looked up "You don't have to be afraid". He winced and she gave a sad face "Onew?" He removed her hands from around his waist and held them firmly "Get some rest." He headed back up the stairs and Sori stood there with a broken heart, she knew he'd probably never touch her again. Jinki took a moment and rested against the door as his heart sank, he felt awful, the looking her face killed him, but he could touch her, not after that. He didn't think he'd be able to ever look at her the same way again. "You shouldn't treat her like that" David said looking at him from down the hall, trash can in hand "Like what?" he questioned and David smiled gently. "Jinki please, I know you, you're afraid to touch her because you think it might trigger some thing. But you could be sending her the wrong message." Jinki walked past him with a sigh "What matters is shes safe, nothing else."

~•Sori had finished her rather long nap and had taken a bath before changing into some of Jinki's clothes. She didn't want to choose anything he might have really liked so she was careful picking out something. She settled for a long sleeve white sweated that felt really cozy across her skin. The only downside was that she couldn't find any suitable pants, so she was left in just a sweater and underwear. Good thing this sweater covers my butt she sighed, which wasn't easily Sori was a very curvy and built woman, on the top and bottom. She climbed back into his bed and just sat there, the events from earlier replayed in her head. Is he really not gonna touch me again? This really scared her, was there whole relationship gonna be like this? Did they even have a relationship now? She sighed laid down in his bed, it was soft and warm. She found herself drifting off again as her eyes closed. A short moment later she felt the bed move, her eyes cracked open with a small groan and she sat up a little. She rubbed her eyes and noticed someone on the other side of the bed "Onew?" He looked back at her then smiled "Sorry, I was trying not to wake you." She shook her head as she turned I slept earlier, I just finished my bath, I borrowed your sweater." He looked her over with a small laugh "It looks better on you." She smiled back as he continued to unlace his shoes "Did David leave already?" He nodded "We managed to get everything cleaned up, I'll have to replace somethings but-" "Jinki" she cut him off and he looked at her as she played with the ends of the sweater "Are you not gonna touch me again?" she didn't want to irritate him but she felt like she had to ask. "I don't think it's a good idea...." he looked down at the covers "But Jinki-" "If I touch you, and it ends up being the same place he touched you I.." He choked on his words and she saw he was trying not to cry "I could trigger something, and I could hurt you." Sori leaned toward him "But you won't, It's you, you would never hurt me." He lifted his head a little "You wouldn't be able to tell the difference Sori." "But I will." Jinki dropped his head with a sigh and she bit her lip. She removed the covers from over her legs and he looked back at her again. She was crawling across the bed to him on her hands and knees, the scene had his senses on high alert one he saw she wasn't wearing any bottoms. She stopped a few inches in front of him with her hands in between her legs, mainly to hold the sweater down. He looked at her pleading expression with slightly widened eyes. She looked like a little wolf, her nickname suited her. It was adorable but he couldn't be tempted, he turned his head only to have her pull it back with her soft hands. She cupped his face and he had no choice but to look at her "Jinki, please, just try?" He looked at her with wanting eyes but he was still unable to move his arms, she saw him struggling and kissed his lips gently. His body was still, he kissed her back almosst instantly. He obviously missed this, but his thoughts got the best of him and he tensed, pulling away as she shook his head. "I can't...I..I'm sorry, but I just can't..." Sori moved closer to him, placing herself in his lap, he took in her sent and his heart thumped in his chest. She knew she wasn't making it easy for him but she needed him to understand. He sat there, stiff as a board, his hands at his sides. Sori tilted her hand and took his arms, placing them on her thighs. He flinched but didn't pull away, he felt the smoothness of her skin under his fingertips and swallowed hard. "See?" he lifted his head to hers as she gave a smile "I'm fine." He averted his eyes again as her hands went back to his face to stroke his cheeks "Don't be afraid to touch me Jinki, please, My body belongs to you." He closed his eyes as he took a breath, stroking her skin with his fingers "He hurt you..." "Then heal me. Only you can." She lifted his head again and kissed him once more. Jinki took in her soft lips desperately before she pulled away and locked eyes with him "Show me how good it can be, I don't want these bad memories in my head anymore." Tears were falling from her eyes and he leaned toward her, his hands moving to her waist and his face changed to worry. Sori clenched his shirt as she tried to control them "Erase them, please erase them from my mind" At that point he saw the pain in her, he couldn't stand it. He linked his arms around her waist and gently set her back on the bed as she leaned over her. She looked up with wide eyes that quickly lowered, he lowered his head and kissed her deeply, intertwining his fingers with hers as he held her hands. He separated for a moment, taking his hand to wipe her tears away "I'll erase them Oka, I'll erase all of them, ok?" She looked up at him with a smile covered in more tears that she couldn't keep from falling "Ok..." He kissed her again, releasing her hands as the moved around his neck. He let his body rest on hers gently as his hands moved to her thighs again, pulling her closer to him.

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