•~Onew & Jinki~•

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Chapter Six:

~As the days pasted by Sori soon adjusted to living with Onew as well as frequent visits from his friends. Her and David got along well but her and Tony, well, let's just say she still wasn't over the whole virgin thing. That and the other inappropriate questions he's asked her since. Days turned into weeks and weeks into months. Soon Sori found herself living there for a year and was still acting stiff with Onew. He still hasn't shown her his off-stage side but then again they haven't hung out in a while due to schedules. Onew wondered the studio looking for the ElecTro's dressing room. They had a performance today on Music bank and him and the others came to support them. When he finally found the room he poked his head in a little. When he saw Sori she was looking at her phone, he hair and make up done and her outfit covered in patches of her signature group color purple. Heh heh she looks so cute. He thought to himself while he watched her then she suddenly lifted her head and he backed up behind the wall again. He took a breath before going inside and knocking on the open door. They all turned and greeted him with smiles "Annyong Onew hung!"Nabi waved as she got her hair done. He waved back "Annyong!" "Are you here to keep us company?" asked Gina with a smile. He laughed "Ani, mianhae" he then turned his attention to Sori "I actually came to see Oka-San". All eyes turned to Sori who looked at him dumb-founded "Can I talk to you for a moment outside?" he asked and Sori could feel the smirk on Gina's face growing by the second. She rose to her feet and walked out into the hall with him "What is it? Did I forget to clean my half of the dishes again?" she asked nervously. He laughed and shook his head "No you're fine. I wanted to ask if you have any free time coming up." She thought for a moment then smiled "Neh, I have the next two days off!" He smiled shyly "Then, tomorrow would you like to hangout?" Her expression changed "Hang out? Will Tony and David be there too?" He looked down a little with a light laugh "Uh no. Just you and me, I was thinking we could go out early...you know before they Tony wakes up...maybe go for Coco since it's chilly in the morning?" Sori just looked at him and he grew more nervous but that was soon put aside when she gave him a big smile that made her look even cuter "Sounds like fun Onew, I'll be happy to join you."

~When the time came Jinki was up earlier that expected due to his excitement.He was finally able to spend some time alone with her in months. He headed up the stairs and into the hall way where her room was, he cracked the door and saw her still sleeping soundly wrapped in the white covers. He smiled to himself before gently closing the door and heading into the living room where he was greeted with a surprising sight. There laid Tony with beer bottles scattered around him, it was a mess. "Yah!" he kicked the sofa and Tony jumped with a groan "Nhm wh....what?" "What's all this?" he said gesturing to the trash. He sat up and sighed "I uh...had a little get-together last night. I must of fell asleep before you got home" he yawned falling back to sleep and Jinki hit him again. "Well you need to clean it up." "Why not tell Sori to clean it up, she's basically the maid around here anyways." Jinki quickly took offense to that and gave him a look "It's not her job to clean up after you Tony! This is the fourth time this month you've come home drunk just to drink some more!" Tony stumbled to his feet "Hey, just so you know, I didn't drink all these by myself last night" he smirked "I even got some thing a little extra for telling them I was your friend." He laughed as he reached for a half full bottle beer and Jinki gave him a look "You brought girls here?? Are you crazy?! If they tell anyone where I live-" "Relax Jinki" he smiled "I didn't tell them this was the house of the DuDu Leader of SHINee, Onew ok? I told them it was my place, and man did they fall for it." Jinki looked at his drunken friend with sad and angry eyes. He was so tired of seeing him like this, and he was more than sure Sori's seen him in this state as well. "Just clean up the mess." "WHY DO I HAVE TO CLEAN IT?!" he whinned and Jinki pushed him "Keep your voice down, you'll wake her." he said sternly with a glare. Tony swallowed before looking at him "So what? Just because you like her it's against the rules to wake her now?" Jinki just sighed "Right now she's being a better friend than you are." Tony blinked clearly hurt by his words but Jinki didn't care, he turned and headed back downstairs.

~"Is it really ok?" Sori asked standing behind Jinki as he paid for their cups of coco. "Neh, don't worry about it, you can get extra cream if you want." he smiled at her worried face "But then you'll have to pay more." Jinki took the cups off the counter and handed her hers with a tower of whipped cream on top "It's only a dollar more, just enjoy it ok?" She nodded as she looked down at her drink taking a huge bite out of the whip cream. Jinki laughed at her before taking her hand before leading her to the side up the hill. It was still early so not many people were out and the sun was just starting to rise giving them a nice view. They came to a small opening, almost like a small field. Jinki quickly took off causing Sori to follow him "You wanna sit up there?" he pointed at a tall rock "We can get a good look at the sun rise from there." Sori looked up at it "I don't think I can jump that high..." "I'll help you." he smiled taking her drink and his setting it on top. He hopped up first with ease as Sori looked up "Ready?" he held out his hands and she took a step back. She ran forward jumping as high as she could, just enough for him to grab her arms. He pulled her up swiftly to her surprise and he looked at her as he held her. She feels really cozy and my arms fit around her waist nicely he thought as she looked at him and he let her out of his embrace now feeling embarrassed with his thoughts. "Woa, it does look nice up here" she smiled taking a seat and Jinki followed with a sigh. "So why did you really bring me out here?" she asked holding her cup with both hands. Jinki looked at her "Bwoh?" "I know you come out here early when you wanna clear you head. So why did you bring me along this time?" Jinki looked down at the ground below as he swung his feet "I uh...I wanted you to know the two sides of me. Onew and Jinki, I wanted you to know that they were different, so I was gonna explain." Sori smiled "You don't have to do that. I understand what you mean" "You do?" he looked doubtful as she nodded swallowed her mouthful of coco. "Oka-San and Sori are two different people too." she grinned and Onew's lips grew into a wide smile "But can still tell me the difference between Onew and Jinki." Oh my god it sounds so sexy when she says it he thought covering his mouth "Well, Jinki is definitely the opposite of Onew. He's a lot more manly and stern. He's protective of the things he cares about and is an adult that likes to enjoy adult things." He looked at the morning air blew through his long hair. "Onew on the other hand as you know is me on stage, in front of fans, cameras. He can be clumsy, dorky and tell really bad jokes. And he can get really really nervous in certain situations." Sori laughed sweetly as she watched his expression change. "Especially around you." he added looking at her and she blushed "So who am I talking to right now?" she asked. "Now? It's Jinki, because Onew is to nervous to talk to you." She laughed again showing off her smiled that he loved seeing "Well I'm glad I finally got to meet you Jinki." She bowed before taking another drink and Jinki watched her "What about you?" she looked at him "What makes Oka-San and Sori so different?" She set down her empty cup and adjusted herself in the rock. "Oka-San is a bunny loving goofy ball who has very loving and caring heart. She do anything and everything for the people she loves even if it means taking time away from herself. She can also be clumsy and tells even worse jokes." Jinki laughed a little watching her expressions "Sori is kinda similar to Jinki, she's also an adult that enjoys adult things. Including going out and drinking even though she doesn't like to drink much." She paused for a moment and looked at him "Sori is a strong woman that needs a strong man to be there for her." Jinki looked into her eyes "Did I mention Jinki was strong too?" She laughed and hit his arms and he dropped his head shyly butting his lower lip. There was a lot of things Jinki liked about both of them. He could added to the other things he discovered later on in their relationship. Like her being a meat lover, steak and chicken being her absolute favorite. And the fact even though they were born in the same year, she was older than him by a few of months, making her a Noona. Which pleased him very much. All this made him like her more and he couldn't wait to find out more. "The sun is almost all the way up" she pointed taking him out of his thoughts. He looked and saw the sun shining brightly over the horizon, what a beautiful sight he thought almost as beautiful as you he glanced at Sori taking in the fresh wind leaning forward every once and a while. "We should do think again Sori." he voiced and she looked at him with a nodded. "I agree, but next time.." She tilted her head with a playful smile "I wanna talk to Onew."

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