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Chapter Two:

•Once Onew arrived at the recording room, the others greeted him "Yah! You're late!" said Key slouched in his chair. "Not by much though" assured Minho as he took off his coat. "What were you doing anyway?" asked Jonghyun turning to look at him "I took Sori out for coffee" he said taking a seat to relax. "Didn't you take her out for coffee yesterday?" asked Taemin "And the day before?" added Key raising a brow. Onew looked at him "Yeah..." "Is that because you like her?" asked Minho. "Well of course I like her, were really close friends" "Not like that" Key started laughing "Like do you have a crush on her?" Onew looked a him for a moment then suddenly shook his head with a nervous laugh "Ani yo! We're just friends!" Taemin laughed at his reaction and smiled "I think you guys would make a cute couple though." "Since you like her." added Minho "But I don't like her!" whinnied Onew "I mean I do, but not like that!" he quickly added. "Leave him alone, if he says he's just being friendly then it's fine" said Jonghyun, his attention focus on his phone. "You're only saying that because you did the same thing with SoonHee" said Key as Jonghyun looked up "No, I was being friendly and things just happen to work out to where we became a couple. Maybe being friendly will work out for Onew-Hyung too." They all let out a small burst of laughter and Onew dropped his head "Honestly guys, I don't like her like that. She's still a little shy and I want her to become more comfortable with me, ok?" They nodded in response with slight grins and soon got to work. Onew knew they still didn't believe him, but it didn't matter. Sori wouldn't feel that way either, would she?

• "Oka~San!" SoonHee came into the kitchen slamming her hands on the table, starling Sori who was just about to put another piece of steak in her mouth. "Why didn't you tell me you and Onew went on a date?!" she exclaimed and Sori's face soon softened as she looked up at her "But it wasn't a date, he just took me out for coffee like he's done before." "He's taken you out before?!" she asked still in shock. "You would have known this if you were here more often" sung Nabi. "You know it was best for me to get an apartment. Gina would have ripped my head off if I kept her up with my music again". "Damn right" Gina called from the living room. Sori rose to her feet "You didn't miss anything. We didn't go on a date and there's nothing going on between us. We're just friends". "SoonHee and Jonghyun were just friends, now they're Seoul's hottest couple" said Gina with a grin. "We're not Seoul's hottest couple" said SoonHee "And me and Onew aren't a couple. We're friends". "But you like him right?" asked SoonHee as they walked into the living room. "Of course I like him but not in that way" Sori looked down at her feet. "Even if I did have feelings for him he wouldn't return them. Work is most important to him right now. He's told me that." Minseo rose to her feet "I don't know Oka" she took a bite of her candy bar "Things could change right? Regardless Onew-Hyung does care for you." Nabi jumped up as well "Yeah! Maybe you should open up to him more, like we have, to let him know that your comfortable around him." "It's obvious he's been taking you out for coffee to get you to relax a little" said Gina joining in "Why not just take the offer?" she grinned at her with a wink and Sori gave a twisted face. Be more relaxed? But how can I be? its Onew! "Anyway I might have to follow in SoonHee's footsteps and get a place of my own too" said Gina. "Bwoh?!" Nabi quickly turned to her. "I'm starting to take late nights at the studio. Sometimes having to continue working on an outfit here. It'd be easier coming home at three in the morning and getting to work if I lived by myself. Every time I come home I end up waking Minseo up and she turns into a grouch." Minseo gave her a look "Does anyone like being woken up at three in the morning by the annoying buzz of the sewing machine??" Gina rolled her eyes as Minseo turned to the others "I've already been looking for an apartment myself too". Nabi looked at SoonHee "If everyone's moving out does that mean I should look for a place too?" Sori looked at them all "Wait, so you're all moving out now??"

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