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Chapter Sixteen:

~•Sori woke up the next morning in her bed, stuffed under the covers. Today was the day. Knowing that she was going to leave the man she loved made it even harder for her to leave. She loved Jinki, and after what happened last night, her heart was suffering. Jinki had already went to work for the day and she didn't see any reason in staying any longer. She grabbed her suit case from under the bed and began packing. "Leaving are you?" She didn't even turn around, she didn't want to see his smug face. "What do you think?" She hissed and she heard him chuckled "I think your pretty stupid." She spun around with a glare "Excuse me?" "You think I'm gonna let you leave?" he stepped in and closed the door "You still owe me Sori." Her immediately got nervous but tried not to show it "Owe you?! The whole reason I'm leaving is for you! If I don't leave, you and Jinki's friendship will be over!" she yelled clenching her fists as he walked closer to her. "Aww, how sweet of you" he stood in front of her and stoked her face. She could smell the alcohol on his breath "But I'm gonna need more than that for all the hell you put me through." His eyes traced her body as he licked his lips "Let me show you how it feels, I'll be your first. What do you say, Oka-San?" Sori glared at him steaming in anger and slapped him across the face as hard as she could. Tony stumbled back and held his face before looking at her, the red mark clear on his face. His eyes quickly turned dark "Wrong answer."

~• "So she's really leaving huh?" asked David sitting in the living room at his home as Jewel made dinner "Neh" Jinki didn't say much, he couldn't really. He's been working all day, being forced to greet people with an insincere smile. He was sick from love and sadness, he'd do anything to see her again but he knew she would be gone by the time he got back home. "Have you talked with Tony?" "I have nothing to say to him." he growled lowly and David sighed "I really hate seeing you like this Jinki." He gave a short chuckle "Me? I thought you'd be more concerned about Tony." David sighed "Honestly, I gave up on Tony a long time ago, he proved to me that he doesn't want to change. I was worried when you decided to let him move in with you. But, at the same time I knew you needed to see what he was really like for yourself." Jinki rubbed his head with a huff "Well I think I've done that..." he was quiet for a minute before speaking again "Can you do me a favor?" "Anything." Jinki bit his lip before continuing "Can you go make sure that she gets back to the dorms ok?" David heard his voice shake a little, and smiled to himself sadly "Of course, I'll head there now."

~•David arrived at Jinki's house and saw that all the lights still were on. It was getting late and he didn't see any other cars so Tony couldn't have thrown another party. He walked up the steps and knocked on the door but there was no answer. He tried the handle and saw it was unlocked. He walked in and saw things out of place. Table lamps on the floor, papers scattered, every door open. "Tony??" He called through the oddly quiet house. He walked further inside "Stop it!!!" A ear piercing scream hit his ears and he tensed. The screams continued and David's heart started to race as he realized it was Sori's voice. He followed her cries down the hall to Tony's room. "STOP IT!!!! LET ME GO!!!!!!!" He tried to open the door but it was locked "Tony open the door!!" he yelled banging on it as hard as he could. "STOOOP!!!!" He kicked kicked it open sending bolts flying and the door hitting the wall. Tony looked back at him as his eyes grew wide. Tony was on top of her, his pants unbuckled, his shirt discarded as he huffed for air. Then his eyes went to Sori beneath him, tears staining her face mixed with sweat, her clothes torn, her hair a mess. The two of them were clearly worn out from constant struggle and it was obvious what was going on. "Tony what the hell are you doing?!" "Get out!! I'm busy!!" he yelled with a snarl and Sori finally noticed him through her fuzzy eyes full of tears. "David, please help me..." she cried as her voice shook and cracked "Please..." Tony looked back at her tightening his hand around her neck causing her to kick and yelp "Shut up!!" "Are you crazy?! Stop! You're chocking her!!" David managed to get him off of her and she gasped for air. Tony fought with him and it soon turned into a fist fight that got Tony a fist in the jaw. He fell backwards onto the floor with a thud and David went to Sori who was motionless on the bed. "Sori?" She trembled as she laid there in just her underwear and shirt torn apart revealing her bra. "Sori??" David touched her wet face to get her to look at him but her eyes stared into thin air. He took off his jacket and started to cover her as Tony stood up "There's no use in taking her." he wiped the blood from his lip "I'll just find her again, you can't keep her from me!" David looked at his once beloved friend in anger "We'll see about that. You're gonna be out of here once Jinki here's about this." "A-Ani!" David turned to see Sori sat up with wide eyes, still trembling "Y-You can't! You can't tell him!!" she pleaded clenching his shirt. David looked at her "Sori I have to, he's my best friend. If I don't I'll never forgive himself and he'll never forgive me, he deserves to know." Sori stared at him before her eyes lowered and she started to cry again. David lifted her up in his arms before looking back at Tony. He didn't say a word but his face said it all. "You know, at some point I actually thought you could change...but I guess I was wrong."

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