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Chapter Twnety-One:

~• As they walked Sori became more and more curious as to where they were going and why he was here. When she would ask, he would avoid it. After stopping for a quick bite to eat Sori started to let her thoughts get the best of her "Onew." she stopped in her tracks as he turned to her sipping the last of his soda. "I thought you came to see me because you missed me, but right now it seems like you just wanted to drag me around." He saw the look on her face and swallowed the soda quickly "But I did miss you Sori!" "Then tell me why you've been dragging me around You're starting to make me nervous..." She made a cute face that made him blush "Ok." he took her hand "Come on." They walked a little further and took a rest on a bench. Sori sat down and looked at him as he rubbed his legs with a deep breath "Sori I...I-I" he couldn't get the words out and she touched his arm "Jinki, is this about us?" She asked and he nodded rather slowly, Sori looked down at her hands and laughed a little "I guess I knew this was gonna happen..." He blinked with a tilt of his head "You did?" She gave a soft grin "Yeah, I mean it has been a while since we hang out, and seen each other. I've been busy and you've been busy. And we only did...the thing...once and I didn't think we were gonna do it again anyway." "Are we not gonna do it again?!" he jumped to his feet much to her surprise. He blushed afterwards and she stood up to "Well, it would be hard to after tonight wouldn't it?" "Why?" he looked confused now and she looked at him unsure "Aren't you...ending things with me?" He made a face mixed with surprise and disgust "What?! No Sori..." he took her hands and held them close to his chest, she could feel this heart pounding "I would never be foolish enough to let you go, you're far to precious to me." Sori looked at him stunned and he smiled "I was already bad at expressing my feelings before and I was slow at understanding some things. But I knew I liked you and as time went on I came to love you and now I don't want to lose you." Sori found her heart beating faster and her face was burning "J-Jinki?..." He took a step closer to her, closing in to her face "It wasn't until yesterday that I realized I didn't ask this, but..." he bit his bottom lip "Will you make me extremely happy and be my girlfriend?" He did it. He asked her. He'd never been so nervous. A smile grew on her face, a smile that he's never seen before. All of her teeth showed and her eyes were full of light, her cheeks also seemed like they couldn't get and redder "Of course I will Bunny!!"

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