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Chapter Three:

~It's was a warm late evening as Sori browsed the long rows of books lined a long the wall. It was quiet this time of day witch she liked. She needed some time to clear her head. The others were making plans to move out already. Although she knew it would happen one day, but she didn't want them to go. She'd miss them way to much, they've been around each other for years it'll be lonely without them. She took a book off the shelf and went to one of the chairs in the corner. As she got into the first few pages of the book she soon found herself staring blankly at the same page for over 30 minutes. "Mind if I sit with you?" she jumped in her seat as she suddenly noticed a familiar face standing over her. "Ah, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you" Onew smiled with a bow and she shook her head "Ani, it's ok." Sori straightened herself up in her chair and offered him the available seat next to her. "What are you doing here so late?" she asked him setting down her book in her lap. He smiled "I come here all the time, it's nice and quiet. I usually come late because there's not many people at this time." "I see" she nodded with a smile "And you?" He looked at her as she sighed "Well, I kinda came to clear my mind a bit." Onew gave a concerned expression "Did something happen?" She looked up at him and shook her head "Oh it's nothing serious. I'd rather not bother you about it." "You can still tell me, it's not a bother at all." he smiled and turned his chair to face her. "Well...since SoonHee got her own place the others have been talking about moving out to. I mean, I knew it was gonna happen, we've in living together in the dorm for three years. But if they leave I'll be there by myself." Sori looked down at her head "I shouldn't be as sad as I am right?" She looked up at him for a response and he gave a smile "Not really, I kinda felt the same when the members moved out to." Sori smiled a little "But you had your family to go to. My parents are in Japan...the member were really the only family I had here." she sighed and Onew looked at her. He could see she was really down so attempted to lighten the mood. "What about me?" he made a sad face and clenched his chest as if he was in pain. Sori giggled and he smiled seeing a smile on her face. "You really are like family to me to Onew-ssi" she smiled then slowly rose to her feet "Anyway I guess I should head back, thanks for listening." Onew rose up to "Anytime, try not to worry about it to much. I'm sure things will work out." She nodded and he walked with her out of the library.

~Once Jinki made his own way home he was greeted with a surprise. "Jinki~!" He closed the door and turned to see his friend Tony walking up to him "Tony!" they hugged each other as they walked into the living room where is other friend David was sitting on the sofa "When did you guys get here?" he asked taking off his jacket. "About an hour ago, we were waiting for you." said David with a smile. "Yeah, what took you so long?" added Tony handing him a drink "Ah mianhae, I ran into a friend." "Is this the same friend you've been meeting up with for the past week?" asked David taking a sip of his drink. Jinki sighed as he took a seat "What friend is this that you're spending so much time with?" asked Tony. "Her name is Sori, but everyone calls her oka-san" he answered. Tony's eyebrows raised "A lady friend??" Jinki laughed "Yes, she's a friend. We were just talking." "About?" asked David. He looked at his drink "She was just feeling down because the others were moving out. She doesn't have any family here besides them." "Why did you just let her move in with you too?" asked Tony and they looked at him "Move in?" Jinki questioned "Yeah, you're already letting me stay with you, and you have plenty of room." "You're just saying that because she's a girl. And the closer you are to a girl the easier it is for you to sleep with them" said David with a look. Jinki turned his head knowing it was true. Tony liked girls, he liked them a lot. While the were in school he was with a different girl everyday and after school he would spend the night with them too. Jinki never judged him though, he's known him for a long time and Tony was still his friend. "That's not it! I'm just saying, since she's a friend of your and doesn't like to be alone you can keep her company." he said looking at Jinki. He thought about it for a minute. That would be good I guess, I'll get to see her more. May then she's become more comfortable with me. "Well, the choice is really up to her isn't it. Plus I'm sure when she realizes she has to put up with you, she decline." David smiled throwing back the last of his drink. "Hey!" Tony hissed and Jinki chuckled "I'm gonna get going, I'll see you guys later." David grabbed his coat and Jinki walked him to the door. "Yah Jinki" he started and he turned to him "Neh?" "If that girl does end up staying here, don't leave her alone with Tony." he said lowering his voice "Even though he's our friend you and I both know how he gets." Jinki nodded with a pale face "I know...I'll make sure to watch him." David nodded and waved goodbye. He closed the door as Tony cleaned up "I'm gonna head to bed, see you in the morning?" Jinki nodded and headed to his own room downstairs. He closed the door and picked up his phone. Should I call her? It's really late. Would she think I was weird for suddenly asking her to move in like this? In his nervousness her failed her number and waited. "Nnn...yeboseyo?..." she grounded into her phone and he chuckled softly "Ah, I-I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." There was a soft sigh before a response come from the other end "Ani, it's ok Onew-ssi, I wasn't fully asleep yet" he laughed a little knowing that was a lie. Aish! She still calls me Onew-ssi. "Sorry, but I was thinking about what you said earlier, you know, about being by yourself?" he paused and Sori waited for him to go on "Yeah." "Well, I understand if it weird and all but, maybe if you don't wanna be alone, I can keep you company?" Sori was a little puzzled "What do you mean?" Jinki looked down at his hands and took a breath, he was really nervous, it's like he was asking her out on a date. "Oka-San, would if be ok if I asked you to move in with me?"

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