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Chapter Five:

~ "So how was your first night with Onew?" Gina asked crossing her legs as she turned to her. Sori eyed the grin on her face ignoring her dirty thoughts. She fixed her seat belt and closed the van's door "It was nice, he gave me a really nice room and treated me well. I actually felt comfortable around him for a moment and could talk to be a little more relaxed. I meet some of his long times friends too." "Really? What were they like?" Nabi asked twisting her whole body around in her seat to face them. "The first one I met, David, was nice, he was helping the other one, Tony, move in his things. And he was nice too when I first met him." Minseo looked up "Then what?" Sori looked up with a scrunched nose "That night he uh.uh asked if I was a virgin and if I ever thought about sex..." "Bwoh?!!" the other members exclaimed with stunned faces as well as their manager Manni looking from the review mirror. "Asih! Pervert!" squealed Nabi covering her face and SoonHee made an angry face "What the hell? He doesn't need to be asking questions like that, the guy doesn't even know you." "I know!" added Gina truly disgusted "Did you tell Onew?" Manni suddenly chimed in from the drivers seat and Sori shamefully shook her head. "Why the hell not?! The guy's a pervert!" yelled Gina. "Maybe, but he's also Onew's friend. His childhood friend at that. It not like he doesn't know how he is because he does, but he still let him live with him. He obviously cares for the guy and I'm not in a position to tell him how to handle his friend." The others were silent as they took in her words "I understand you're grateful to Onew for letting you stay with him and don't wanna make any problems Sori" Manni began parking the van "But if he talks to you like that again, I'm gonna have to have a talk with him." SoonHee looked at him with a lame face "And what are you gonna do?" Manni turned to her with a cheesy grin "You all like daughters to me so if I have to move in there to I will!" Sori gave a sick face and the others laughed "Please don't."

~ "Here are your drinks" the waitress set them down on the table and Jinki thanks her with a smile. "Thank you honey" Tony grinned giving her a wink and she flashed him a smile back. "Yah! Do you have to flirt with every girl you see?" said David eyeing him. "Tony shrugged "What? I was just being nice. Everyone's not happy married like you are you know, some times flirting can come in handy later." David rolled his eyes and Jinki just shook his head as Tony turned to him "Speaking of which, how come Sori could join us?" Jinki looked at him "She had a schedule today, even if she didn't she wouldn't have came anyways." "Why's that?" asked David with a raised brow "She's not that much of a drinker." Tiny laughed "What? She can't handle it?" "No, she just choses not to drink, she actually handle her alcohol pretty well." "My, you sure know a lot about her don't you?" David smiled and he looked at him in silence taking another sip of his drink. "Hey isn't that Sori in the Tv?" Tony pointed and they all looked up and saw Sori and the girls on a tv show giving an interview. After listening for a while Jinki realized they were talking about him.

'So Oka-San you've recently moved in with Onew from SHINee is that right?'

'Neh, that's correct.'

'You two must be very close then. Why don't you tell us what it's like living with him.'

'It's really nice, him and his friends gave me a warm welcome and made sure I was comfortable. I'm really grateful and happy that he allowed me to stay with him.'

'Does he act differently at home than how he does on stage or in front of fans?'

'Not to me. He's still the sweet and clumsy guys I met three years ago. I admire him a lot both as a leader and a person. So I try to always greet him well and show him respect. I'm very formal with him, but around me he's always Onew, I guess he doesn't want me to meet Jinki yet.'

The others laughed as did she and they moved onto another segment. "Man, why didn't she talk more about me?" Tony pouted and David set down his drink with fake stunned face "You haven't shown her Jinki??" Jinki rolled his eyes as he chuckled at him "No. Well I kinda did yesterday when Tony was bothering her, but I don't think she noticed a difference". Tony took another big swig of his drink "Well I don't know what she's expecting but Jinki is completely different from Onew. Who knows maybe she won't like Jinki at all." They both looked at him as she finished off the rest of his drink "Don't worry about him." said David with a sigh "Why don't you show the other you?" Jinki sat back in his seat "I don't think she'll understand." "Then explain it to her." "She might think that I'm weirder than I already am!" he complained and David laughed "Look, she said she admires you, what's to worry about?" Jinki sat up in his seat "She said she admires Onew." David leaned forward as well with a grin "Then make her admire Jinki too."

Author Notie~(I don't like putting notes at the end of a chapter but I just wanted to say that I was trying to go with the whole Jinki and Onew are two different people thing like he always talks about. But I think I might have confused things in writing this part. Hopefully it's not to confusing and my writing isn't jumbled.)

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