•~Catching Up~•

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Chapter Thirteen:

~•Needless to say, she ended up staying for more than one night. She'd moved back in and even though she felt a little uneasy about it, she was happy. She woke up early one morning and wondered around her room after being unable to go back to sleep. She looked around the room that seemed different since the last time she'd been there. There were pictures there that she hasn't seen before. She picked one up and looked at it. It was an old picture of her that she'd taken with Onew around the time they first met. She smiled and picked up another, this one was from the year before. they were making funny faces with drinks in their hands. She giggled at Onew?s then looked up at the others lining the shelf "He kept all of these?..." she said to herself as she scanned them.

*Knock* *Knock*

She turned to see her bedroom door open slightly then all the way. Jinki stood in the doorway in his blue pajama pants and a plain white t-shirt, his well built arms visible. Whoa, has he been working out?? His arms weren't that big before. she thought as her eyes went from his arms to his smile "Ah, Good morning, I was hoping you'd be up" he began taking a few steps in. "Good morning." she set down the picture frame as he eyes her clothes. A big oversized shirt with long sleeves that were so big he could only see the tip of her fingers. The ends is her shorts also poked from under the large shirt, which showed off her legs well. She had really nice legs, or at least he thought so. "Why is that?" Ge blinked then laughed a little "So we could talk, maybe?" She gave a surprised look then looked down and hesitated to answer. "I made CoCo!" he blurted lifting the two cups up from behind the door. She couldn't help but laugh and nodded, carefully taking the cup from him.

~•"So you guys are preparing for a comeback huh?" Sori asked holding her coco in her lap with both hands. "Yeah, it's much different that Sherlock, so it called for a new hairstyle" he said sitting beside her, looking up at his bleached hair before playing with it. "I think blonde looks good on you though." she said stroking it a little "You think so?" he asked with slightly widened eyes. She nodded with a smile and he blushed a little. They looked away from each other shyly then Sori brought her legs to her chest, giving him another chance to stare at them "How has Tony been?" He set his cup aside and changed his position as well "He's been doing a little better. He's still drinking but not as much as before. I think it's better for him when me and David go with him when he goes out." he chuckled a little "He even tried to set me up with a girl a few nights ago, but I wasn't interested." Sori felt her heart jerk a little as sh stared at the carpet "Then, what kind of girls are you interested in?" She asked softly and he turned to her. Her eyes glued to the carpet, zoned out, listening for an answer. Onew didn't know what to say at first, so he kept silent for a while before the words came to his head in a jumble. "Um...well...I like girls that are funny...kind-hearted...and can make me chicken when ever I want." Sori dropped her head in her knees with a groan and he jerked "What? What did I say??" She turned her head to show her face and gave a some what sad smile "Nothing." He stared at her as her eyes drifted and she hopped up "It's almost nine, our busy day is going to start soon." she said looking at the clock. Onew stood up as well and nodded as he looked down at her, she looked so short compare to him. "So, is it alright if we do this again?" he asked and she smiled "Of course."

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