•~Enough Is Enough~•

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Chapter Nineteen:

~• *Thump* *Thump* *Thump* Heavy footsteps echoed in his ears as he groaned in response. His eyes opened slowly and he found himself staring at the ceiling. More thumps hit his ears and he groaned again, he just wanted to sleep, he was too tired for this. Come to think of it, why am I so tired? "Nnmm..." a soft moan startled him as he felt hands go up his chest. He caught a small chill as he turned his head. Sori rested next to him cuddling against his chest with a slight groan. "Oh...yeah..." he covered his mouth with a small chuckle. She really looked like a little wolfie baby, it was freakin adorable. The footsteps continued from over head and Sori moaned as if telling the noise to stop. Jinki sat up and rubbed his neck, he knew what the noise was and who was making it, and his very blood boiled at the thought. He quietly climb out of bed and tried to be careful not to wake her. He got dressed and stood by the stairs, preparing himself, thinking of the endless ways he could kill him without a trace. Just as he was about to storm up the steps, rage heavy on his mind, a gently voice stopped him in his tracks. "Onew?" He looked back as she slowly sat up, covering herself with the covers. His tight jaw quickly loosened as a smile formed on his lips "Hey..." He walked back to her side of the bed "Did I wake you up?" She stretched and laid herself back down in bed "Ani, the noise did" she breathed softly with a smile, possibly the brightest smile he's seen in a while. It made him even happier to know that he was the cause behind it. "Thank you..." She touched his face and he smiled at her, kissing her hand "No, Thank you" They smiled at each other then her gaze drifted as he held her hand "Were you going to see Tony?" His face tightened a little but he still showed a smile "Neh" She scanned his face with a blink "Try not to hurt him, ok?" He laughed a little with a somewhat disappointed sigh "ok, I promise." She closed her eyes again in content and soon fell back to sleep. "Sleep well ok?" he kissed her head and pulled the covers up for her.

~•Tony searched through the fridge for something to eat, he was starving and had a hell of a headache. He'd spent the last few days on a vodka fueled party spree and coming down from it was like constant hell. He grabbed a bottle of water and struggled to get the cap open. "Tony." Jinki's deep voice startled him to where he almost dropped his bottle "God you scared me! What do you want??" he hissed chugging down the water. Jinki folded his arms to keep the urge to strangle him down and leaned on the wall "I want you out of here before midnight tonight." Tony spit out his water and turned to him "What?!" "You heard me. You're no longer welcome in my house and I'm tired of wasting my time trying to help you." "Help me?!" Tony hissed "You haven't helped me! The minute you let that girl stay here everything changed! She was the only you've cared about since!" Jinki's anger was already rising, but he promised Sori he wouldn't hurt him. "Sori has nothing to do with this, this is all on you Tony. You have a drinking problem and you need help. I'm done trying to get you straight on my own. I want you out." Tony huffed and walked past him "I'm not going anywhere, I'm your best friend Jinki, you can't kick me out!" he raised his voice and he tensed walking over to him "Watch me." Tony looked at him as he gave him a beyond serious look "Now you only have an hour to leave before I throw you out myself." Tony stared at him as he turned and started to head back downstairs. He was really giving up on him, and Tony didn't like that, nor would he accept it. "Are you really just gonna throw me out?! All because of that bi-?!!" Jinki didn't give him time to finish the insult. He'd nailed him right in the jaw without holding back. He used all of his power in that single hit and Tony hit the ground just as hard. He touched his busted lip and looked up. "Don't you even dare! I've let you insult Sori for long enough now try it again and next time I'll aim for your nose!!" his voice practically shook the place and Tony was left wide eyed. "I'll say this one last time." he picked him up by his shirt and Tony jerked "Get out, an leave me and Sori alone." Tony was truly shocked, he knew that Jinki was serious, even though his drunken eyes he could see it. He dropped him and he caught himself with a stumble, Jinki walked away and went back down stairs. Sori was still in bed but was wide awake now. Without a word he climbed in bed next to her and pulled her to him. Sori held his head and could practically feel the steam coming from him as he nuzzled into her chest "Are you ok Onew?" she asked stroking his hair, playing with the ends of it. "Neh..." he took a deep breath "Oka-San.." he lifted his head with a whine and she looked at him "Can we just stay in bed for a while?..."

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