•~Something's Off~•

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Chapter Eight:

~•Once the weekend came Jinki was ready to enjoy it. He'd slept late that morning and managed to get himself out of bed. He slugged upstairs as the smell of food hit his nose. He looked into the living room and didn't see Tony passed out on the sofa for once. He moved to the kitchen where he saw Sori cooking breakfast. She noticed him standing there and turned "Oh, good morning Onew" she gave a light smile and he smiled back "Morning. What are you making?" She took the pan off the stove and poured it's content into an empty bowl on the table "Chicken and waffles, but I'm sure you'll just eat the chicken." Onew chuckled with a smile "You're probably right" he sat down and started to fill his plate as Sori cleaned up. He glanced at her then stopped, he was getting a different feeling from her than he usually would in the morning. She seemed gloomy and sad, and he could feel it "Oka-San? Are you ok?" he asked in a light tone. She simply nodded her head and he grew worried. "Are you gonna eat with me?" he asked cutely and she turned to him as she dried her hands "I'm not hungry..." her face had sadness written all over it but she gave him a smile "Besides, I mainly made it for you." she set down the towel she was using and began to walk back to her room. As she passed him he jumped up and grabbed her arm causing her to turn with a stunned face. "Sori, what's wrong?" he asked looking her in the eyes without hesitation. This was no longer Onew speaking to her, only Jinki would call her by her name. "Nothing, I'm fine." "You don't seem like it, usually you're happy to see me in the morning." "I am happy to see you." she protested with wide eyes "Then why do you look so sad?" she saw the concern in his eyes and sighed "I..." "Morning!" Tony made his way into the kitchen and Sori removed her arm from his grip. Tony made his way into the kitchen "Ooo, waffles" he grabbed one and took a quick bite before turning to them "So, what we talking about?" he asked chewing loudly. Jinki gave him an irritated look and Sori avoided eye contact "Nothing, enjoy your breakfast." She quickly walked to her bedroom before Jinki could stop her again and closed the door. Jinki looked back at Tony "What was that about?" he asked him with a suspicious look. Tony only shrugged "Maybe she's finally learned her place."

~•As the day went on Sori hardly came out of her room, the only time she did was to eat, and even then she didn't say a word. Tony told him not to worry about it, but it kept bothering him. It was late and Tony had just gone to be. Jinki made his way to Sori's room, he tried to open the door but it was locked, so he knocked instead. She slowly opened it to se him, then opened it all the way. "Hey." he gave a soft smile that she didn't return "Hi..." "Um...do you always keep your door locked?" She looked at him then at the door. "O-Oh, no I just...I saw that you had yours locked and I know you like to have your own space, so I thought I'd try it too." He looked at her then sighed roughly, she could practically hear his frustration."Well, I just came to say goodnight and check on you." Sori kept her head low with a nod "I'm fine, thanks" Jinki knew she was lying but figured it was for a reason. He just didn't want to see her like this anymore "Listen, me, Tony and David are going to hang out tomorrow night and I want you to come." Her head shot up with wide eyes "Me?" He nodded "I don't want you to be home by yourself on a Friday night, I want you to hang out with us, mostly me." He grinned and she giggled a little, the only smile he got to see all day. "So will you?" he tilted his head with a hopeful look and she looked at him before looking down at her feet with a sigh "Ok..."

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