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Chapter Fourteen:

~•As SHINee's comeback took off, Onew and Oka-San made it their regular thing to meet up in the morning. Talking to her every morning helped him prepare for his busy schedules. But their constant meting didn't go un noticed. After a while! Tony started to see Jinki go into her room every morning, and he didn't like it.

~•David, Jinki and Sori were heading back to the house after having dinner with David and Jewel. He decided to head back with them to visit Tony who hasn't left the house in a while. "Thanks for inviting me to dinner." said Sori with a smile as the three of them walked up to the door. "Don't thank me, Jinki's the one who wanted to bring you" David grinned nudging him "That Jewel wanted to see you again" he added. She giggled as Jinki unlocked the door and they all walked in, but froze in there steps. The place was completely trashed. Wrappers, soda cans and large bottles of alcohol scattered across the floor. "What happened??" Sori looked around, stepping over the piles as more came into view. "Whoa.." David looked around as well, seeing the extent of it all. Jinki didn't say a word, but the anger was clear on his face. He knew was happened and he knew who did it. "Weeeeelll!!" a loud voice called out to them causing Sori to jump."Look who's back!" Tony came waltzing in, liquor in hand and his clothes a mess. "Enjoy taking your LADY to DINNER?!" he hissed at Sori who looked truly scared. "What the hell is this Tony?" Jinki glared at him and Sori was shake my by the anger radiating in his voice. She's always seen him with a smile on his face, but there was no trace of one now. "I, decided to have a little party of my own" he stumbled as he made his way down the hall to the living room "And what better place to have one than my famous friends house!" he yelled with his hands in the air. "Are you crazy Tony?!" David yelled and he twisted to point at him "Shut up!! I don't want to hear shit from you!!" he growled. "Then you'll hear it from me!" Jinki pushed him roughly causing him to drop the bottle in his hand. "Jinki!" Sori stepped toward him but David took her arm pulling her back. She looked at him and he shook his head, placing her behind him for protection. "You had strangers in my house! You let them trash it! And you're so fucking wasted you can't even keep your self up right!" he yelled. Tony chuckled "Why are you made me?" his eyes drifted to Sori who held onto David's arm, now trembling. "All of this is her fault" he started walking toward her and David backed her away. "What are you talking about?" "Ever since she moved in she's been screwing things up! She rejects me, flirts with my best friend, and makes everyone think shes this sweet girl." Their eyes locked and she shivered "When all along she's just a giant pain in my ass!!" "Sori has done nothing wrong!!" Jinki called and Tony turned back to him "There you go again! Sticking up for her while Im left looking like the bad guy!" Jinki gave a troubled face mixed with anger. "You take her out, hangout with her every day, by her things! You and David both have been falling all over her since she moved in and where am I?! Stuck in this house all day, alone, with nothing to do but drink until I can remember anything!" Jinki looked at David then back at Tony "What?" "You and David are suppose to be my best friends, not hers! She got here and you just forgot about me!" he was starting to cry now and Jinki's face calmed slightly. "I didn't forget about you Tony, I wanted to hang out with you, we both did! But you were so drunk we couldn't take you anywhere beside the bar!" Tony rolled his eyes and began to walk back to his room. Jinki grew frustrated and clenched his fists "What do you want me to do?!!" Tony turned seeing angry tears in his eyes as well as David's "Make a choice! Either she goes or I go!"

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