Everything's okay now.

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TW: Flashbacks, scars, brief mention of disordered eating, smoking (cigarettes). Please don't read if you think it's going to trigger you, and please reach out to someone if you're struggling.

This is my last chapter, the book is finished! 🥹 I've thoroughly enjoyed writing this storyline, and I hope you've enjoyed reading it. I'm definitely going to be conjuring up another Emily x Reader storyline soon, so stay tuned for that if you've enjoyed this one. Any suggestions for future books would be very much appreciated!

This chapter's a little longer (3721 words), and includes a time jump so I'm trying to set the scene for what the reader's life is like now.

Hope you enjoy, and thank you for sticking through this far x

After a while of trying to get back to sleep, you finally started to open your eyes. As you adjusted to the morning light, you shuffled in your place in bed.

'Good morning, love.' Emily said, looking down at you with the biggest smile plastered on her face. You lifted your head from her chest slowly, snaking your arm out of the duvet to rub your eyes.

'Good morning.' You replied, looking towards the clock to see what time it was. 'Shit, sorry. How long have you been awake?' You asked, as you realised it was quite late in the morning.

'Not long, baby.' Emily said, rubbing her hand up and down your back. 'How did you sleep?' You leant back in bed so you could see Emily's face.

'Really well, actually.' You replied with a slight smile.

'No nightmares last night?' She checked.

'Not one.' You replied, smiling wider now as Emily looked at you proudly. She leant towards you to plant a kiss on your forehead.

'How are you feeling about tomorrow?' She asked, swiping your hair away from your face with her free hand now. You closed your eyes at the comfort of her touch.

'I can't wait to be back.' You started, but realised you weren't being completely honest. 'But I guess it's a little daunting, the thought of working on cases again.' You admitted. Emily looked at you sympathetically.

'I get that you might be feeling a mixture of emotions about it right now.' She started. 'I know the team can't wait to have you back.'

'That's what's making me want to go in.' You replied. 'I miss them.'

'They miss you.' Emily replied for them. You sat in silence for a second, taking in the last morning after a lie-in you'll get for a while. 'How about some breakfast?' Emily suggested eventually.

'Breakfast sounds good.' You said, before shifting in bed so you could both get up.

As you lifted yourself off the bed, you leant down to grab some joggers and pull them on over your legs. After Emily had done the same, she walked around the bed to meet you near the door as she wrapped her arm around you as you walked to the kitchen together.

You finally parted as she pulled one of the bar stools at the counter out for you to sit on.

'A real gentleman!' You joked, causing Emily to laugh.

'Anything for my partner.' She half-joked back. You exhaled, as you looked out of the window at the sun shining down on the street outside.

Everything's okay now.

'So...' Emily's voice caught your attention, '...what we fancying? Pancakes? Cereal? Or...' she looked in the fridge to see what you had, '...avocado on toast?' She suggested.

Don't let go - Emily Prentiss & y/nWhere stories live. Discover now