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" Isn't Darwish a decent man? I told you that he is a good person," Runa asked Rubab checking the quality of the tomatoes if they were fresh or not.

Rubab looked at her mother who was looking happy than ever. Why won't she? After all, her son returned home safely. For this reason, she was pretty impressed by Darwish. Well, Rubab and her mother were in a nearby market for some groceries. She was walking beside her mother with a large bag containing vegetables.

Rubab answered," He seems like a decent man."

She sounded confused. Till now Darwish seemed like a decent person to her but considering her experience with Walid she was hesitating to trust Darwish. Moreover, Darwish's attitude always seems fishy to her.

It was been a week since he visited her house. Since that day, he started talking to Rubab regularly though they hardly met in person. Darwish would call her now & then and asks about her well-being.

" It's very early to say if he is a good person or not. I haven't forgotten about Walid yet," Rubab lowered her head. Her eyes dimmed down while talking about Walid.

Runa tilted her head at Rubab," Stop thinking about Walid. He got what he deserved. He is now rotting in jail."

" You should just focus on your future, Rubi," Runa squeezed Rubab's hands who just nodded her head slightly.

Their conversation was interrupted by a lady's voice," Oh, hey Runa. How are you doing?"

Runa's facial expression turned sour noticing two of her neighbours approaching her. No matter how hard she tries to ignore these people they keep coming back to bother her. She hates how they always bring up Rubab's abduction incident whenever they meet her.

" I am good," Runa answered plainly.

She was less interested in her neighbours well being. Looking at their menacing smiles and facial expressions she knew that they were going to start gossiping about Rubab. She just grabbed Rubab's hand and forwarded her legs to leave.

" I heard that you found a suitable guy for Rubab?" One of the neighbours questioned staring at Rubab from head to toe.

Runa just nodded her head. She looked at Rubab who was looking nervous at their approach. Runa could feel Rubab's anxiety just looking at her eyes.

" He is Darwish Ibne Yazdani, right?" Another one questioned sounding curious.

Runa forced an awkward smile," Laila and Naseema. I will meet you later. I have something important to deal with. See ya."

Runa forwarded her legs while Rubab followed her mother. Both of them had uneasiness written on their faces. Runa squeezed Rubab's hands and gave her an assuring look.

" I wonder how did he agree to marry a girl like her."

" I wonder the same. Most probably they hid what happened to Rubab."

Runa and Rubab heard gossip behind them. They did not want to slow down but automatically they slowed down their walks.

" I never thought someone will ever marry a girl like her."

Runa turned behind and marched at those two fat bitches who were gossiping about her daughter. She wonders what kind of pleasure they get by hurting someone else's feelings.

" What kind of girl is my daughter, huh? What do you mean?" Runa shouted grabbing one of their hair.

The lady let out a painful gasp. Another one started throwing foul words at Runa and Rubab. Just in the blink of an eye people gathered around them.

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