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Sitting at the table Dawood was trying to write his novel but he could not write a single word because his mind was absorbed somewhere else. He was completely lost.

For the last two days, Dawood couldn't even sleep properly. Every time he closes his eyes he could feel Rubab's warm lips against his lips. Her innocent smile would flash in front of him. That melodious voice of hers continued ringing inside his mind. His whole world turned upside down because of her confession.

' I love you '

This one sentence was enough for him to lose his sanity. It was the first time a girl confessed to him that she loves him. As a teenager, he wasn't understanding how he should deal with this situation.

Dawood pulled the drawer and took out a handkerchief that was smudged with red lipstick.

' I will wait for your call. This is my number '

He read the number having a confused expression. With one hand he touched his lips. His body jolted up recalling that kiss. Why was he in so much distress? Does he like her too? She was one of the most beautiful girls he ever saw in his life. He was still in disbelief that a girl like her loves him. According to him, he is just an unattractive person.

After thinking for some time Dawood picked up his phone and typed the number she gave him. He would just dial when he decided to think a few times more. He was in a dilemma about his feelings.

On the other hand, Rubab was becoming impatient for his call. She was waiting for his call eagerly. She knew he will call her. For the last two days, she kept her uninterrupted attention on her phone waiting for a single text or call from him.

" Dammit. Call me, you fool," Rubab screamed at her phone.

She growled," Don't let my kiss go in vain. You don't know how difficult it was to kiss an ugly ass like you."

" You will help me to the finals. You will," Rubab continued chanting like a possessed person.

Finally, her phone rang. Getting startled She almost dropped her phone on the ground. She watched the number carefully. It was an unknown number. A victorious smile formed at the corner of her lips. Her instinct was saying that it was Dawood.

' Hello '

A crooked smile happened to dance over Rubab's lips after hearing the voice.

" Dawood?" she cleared her throat acting as if she was nervous.

Dawood shuttered," I think..... I"

" You are confused?" Rubab completed his sentence.

He smiled nervously," Yup. I mean I don't even know what I feel. Everything seems to happen so fast."

" How about you hang out with me for some days to know me better?" she asked making Dawood gulp down.

She added smirking," How about we do group studies to know each other better?"

" Ummm......" Dawood hesitated.

Rubab laughed out loud," Are you scared?"

" No," he denied instantly.

She chuckled," I am not a witch. I won't eat you alive."

Slowly, they started to take forward their conversation. Rubab was always a talkative girl while Dawood was always a listener. So, he was quite enjoying listening to her. He had no idea what the future was holding for him.


The next day Rubab and Dawood reached the school together. Everyone was surprised to see them together however Rubab's friends were astounded beyond the level. They were speechless to see Rubab clinging to Dawood as if she was his girlfriend. When they asked her what was happening she just ignored them

Everyone was confused except one person and that was none other than Ruhi. She was hurt after watching Dawood and Rubab together. Apart from being hurt, she was suspicious about Rubab. The sudden change in Rubab's behaviour with Dawood wasn't digestible to her. She was smelling something suspicious already.

After the classes, Rubab and Dawood were studying in the study room. Dawood was explaining a complicated topic to Rubab who was completely absent-minded towards his words. She was brushing her fingers on his forearm creating ticklish sensations. She was annoying him purposely.

" Stop it," Dawood spoke finally.

Rubab giggled," You look so innocent while explaining."

" We are in public. You can't touch me like that," Dawood sounded embarrassed though no one was looking at him except for Ruhi.

From a distant table, she watched them together. She was burning in jealousy and pain. For the first time, Dawood did not invite her to group study which was extremely unbearable for her. Her heated eyes were on them but they did not even notice her.

" So I can touch you like that in private," Rubab winked.

Dawood's cheeks flushed," I did not mean that."

Rubab was enjoying the shyness and nervousness in his voice. She felt it awesome to tease an innocent boy like him.

" Look, Rubab when we are studying we should be serious," Dawood hardened his voice.

Rubab questioned playfully," And, when we aren't studying what we should do?"

" We can watch science fiction movies together or play games," Dawood answered honestly. That's what he does when he is bored.

" My dear Einstein, life is not all about science fiction movies. We need something else too," Rubab sounded bored.

Dawood asked taking a sip of water from the bottle," And, what is that?"

Rubab leaned close to his ears," Sex."

Dawood choked on the water he was drinking. He started to cough loudly after hearing her bold words. Rubab burst into laughter after observing his stunned eyes and flushed cheeks.

" I am just kidding," Rubab managed to say between her laughing.

Dawood was flabbergasted. He did not know how he should respond to her jokes. He was embarrassed by himself for blushing like a girl.

" You are looking so cute with those red cheeks," Rubab hold his face which was burning already due to embarrassment.

He put her hands away," We should not be touching each other like that. People will gossip about us."

He noticed that some of the students were glaring at them. They were disturbed by Rubab's loud laughter.

" Dawood," Rubab called. Her voice was serious this time. " I really like you," She confessed again.

She said softening her voice," I swear I hated you at first but I didn't realize when I started developing feelings for you."

Dawood heard her but he didn't respond anything. He didn't know if he loves her or not but he enjoys her company. He enjoys talking to her. He didn't understand how he started liking her in such a short span of time. 

" I understand that you need some time," Rubab let out an awkward smile. " Let's go home," Rubab stood up packing her bag. She forwarded her legs to leave but Dawood grabbed her wrist tightly. She looked at him questioningly.

Dawood confessed," I love you too, Rose."

Note- So, I have been writing these chapters so that I can upload them at once. That's why this delay. From this onwards, the story will move fast forward. 

How were the chapters? Don't forget to share your opinion and follow me. Thanks.

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