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A month passed after whatever  happened between Rubab and Dawood. Everything was alright in Rubab's life. Walid and Rubab's marriage was fixed. She got everything she wanted but somewhere inside her heart she felt a tightness. A discomfort. Maybe it was her inner guilt. No matter how selfish she was, somewhere she had her conscience that would remind her about Dawood.

On the other hand, Dawood was still the same. He rejected the job offer because he felt that he was unfit for it after whatever happened with him. Dawood got another offer from SUPARCO(Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission) but he rejected it. Rubab's memory would bother him every now and then. He isolated himself from everyone though he would meet Ruhi occasionally. He would cry, break things and yell in his dark room. Somewhat he was losing his sanity. He wasn’t interested in books anymore. He wasn’t interested in anything anymore.

His situation worsened when he got the news of Rubab's engagement with Walid. Tomorrow is their engagement. Since he saw the news, he didn’t move an inch from the terrace. He continued to look at the horizon. His mother called him to come down but he didn’t listen to her.

Dawood was still looking at the horizon when he felt a presence beside him. He didn’t show any reaction because he knew the person. It was none other than Ruhi.

" Aunty said you skipped your lunch," Ruhi said. Her voice was gentle and full of emotions.

Dawood didn’t reply. " How could you do this to yourself and Anuty for a girl like Rubab?" Ruhi's voice echoed in the whole place.

Grabbing his hand tightly she caught his attention. Ruhi felt her heart bleeding after noticing his soulless eyes.

" Did Aunty raise you for the past 22 years to see this day? Did she work hard in scorching heat in that restaurant to see you as a broken & failed man? For a few moments, forget that girl and think about your mother. Come to your senses, Dawood. Come to reality. Accept the reality and move on," Ruhi shook him violently while Dawood continued looking at her with a blank expression.

But, he was astonished by Ruhi's behaviour. Maybe she wasn’t beautiful like Rubab but she got a golden heart. Since the day Rubab ditched him, Ruhi stood beside him selflessly. She could have tried to confess her love again and win his trust using his vulnerable situation but she didn’t. Not for once, she talked about her feelings. She cared about him genuinely which Rubab never did.

" Thank you," Dawood finally spoke. " I will always remember you, Ruhi," he smiled at her. After a long time, Ruhi was watching him smiling. Unknowingly, she felt her eyes getting heavy with tears.

Dawood said lowering his voice," I couldn’t love you but I swear I have immense respect for you."

" At least you have something for me," Ruhi chuckled though his words cut her deeply.

For the next few moments they remained silent watching the setting sun. The whole sky was red as if it was indicating Dawood and Ruhi's bleeding hearts. A cool breeze tickled their skin making them shiver a bit. Finally, Ruhi broke the silence between them.

" Why are the good people always unfortunate?" Ruhi asked.

Dawood chuckled," I am not a good person, Ruhi. I believed Rubab's every words she told about you. I hurt your feelings."

" You are a fool. That's it," Ruhi smiled.

She continued saying," Whenever I think about Rubab I don’t know how exactly I should feel. I am jealous of her because she got your heart."

Dawood looked at her having a sorrowful expression. Noticing her sad eyes, he felt his chest getting tight. He was sorry.

" I hate her for hurting you," she sounded angry. " After doing all these, she is happy in her life. She got a rich fiancee. Became an online celebrity overnight," Ruhi let out a smile of irony.

Dawood asked with curiosity," Online celebrity! How?"

" She was an anoynamous writer. She was running a page with her fake account. She earned a great amount of followers. Recently, she revealed her identity and people are just going mad after her. Everyone is admiring her," Ruhi explained while Dawood was surprised.

Ruhi said," I am just astonished that Rubab could write such a catchy story." She sounded suspicious. " I mean she wasn’t that talented."

" Everyone is talented in their own way. Let her live her life," Dawood said. He didn’t seem interested in talking about Rubab. Her memories will start to haunt him again if he continues discussing Rubab's present situation.

Ruhi didn’t notice Dawood. She continued the conversation," I read a few chapters of her story. It was based on the Iraqi War. I wonder how did she learn so much about that war. They way she described the male and female character..........."

" Iraqi War?" Dawood interrupted. " Is it about two lovers who were serving opposite grouos unknown to each other?" His voice shook. He was shocked beyond level.

Ruhi was surprised. " Yes it is. Did you read it?"

" Can you show me her page?" Dawood was breathing heavily. He was behaving as if he had a heart attack.

Ruhi replied," Yes." Taking out her phone from the purse she showed him Rubab's page. She showed him a few chapters of Rubab's story. Ruhi was shocked to see Dawood reading every line carefully. She didn’t understand why his eyes were almost bulging out of his sockets.

" I heard she has given this story to a renowned publisher. Soon, this story will be available in paperback. I also heard that it isn’t completed yet. The last part is yet to be written," Ruhi informed. She shared whatever she heard from others.

Ruhi noticed Dawood's stunned expression. His fingers were shaking violently and his breathing got abrupt.

" Are you alright?" Ruhi shook him a bit.

Dawood replied," She stole everything from me." His voice cracked. " I can forgive her for everything but not this."

Note- Next update will be tomorrow. There will be another 2/3 chapters on flashback and then we will return to present.

These chapters are unedited. Please, bear me with all the grammatical errors. Thanks.

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