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" Are you married?" Dawood questioned making Darwish freeze for some time.

Blinking his eyes for some time Darwish questioned," How did you know?"

Dawood gestured for the ring on Darwish's ring finger. Letting out a hesitating smile Darwish answered," Yes."

Dawood chuckled," So, when am I meeting my sister-in-law? I wish I could attend your wedding."

" Soon," Darwish answered with a tight smile on his face.

Dawood didn't say anything further. He diverted his concentration back on his calligraphy while Darwish continued staring at Dawood with scrutinizing eyes.

" What if I say that I married Rubab? Rubab Mirza," Darwish said out of nowhere.

Dawood chuckled still keeping his concentration on the calligraphy," Then, congratulation. She is going to make your life a living hell."

Saying that he raised his eyes at Darwish. Both of them burst into laughter looking at each other. 

" Great joke," Dawood laughed. " She is probably married to Walid by now," Dawood exhaled some breath though Darwish didn't say anything.

Looking outside of the window Dawood said having a longing expression," All the years she told me that she loves me. But, in the end, she chose Walid. Because of her, I ignored the person who genuinely loved me and cared for me."

Darwish frowned his brows," Someone else used to love you?"

" Yes," Dawood lowered his eyes. " I was a fool to not consider her feelings," Dawood seemed lost talking about someone else.

Darwish had no idea whom Dawood was talking about. As far as he remember except for Rubab there was no other girl in Dawood's life. From his paintings to novels everywhere was his Rose no one else. Then, whom he was talking about.

Exhaling a breath Dawood diverted the topic," Let's not talk about the same stories again. I gotta finish this as soon as possible."

Saying that he concentrated on his calligraphy while Darwish came outside of the room with a lot of questions and confusion in his mind. Dawood's words about Rubab weren't leaving his mind at all.

Dawood narrated Rubab as a self-righteous person but the Rubab he knows is completely different. She is kind, soft-spoken and not heartless at all. What went wrong was that a person's personality changed so drastically. He hated the Rubab, Dawood narrated but fell in love with the Rubab who is his wife. 

The whole flight Darwish kept thinking about all this. Moreover, he was anxious about Dawood's reaction when he will get to know that Darwish married Rubab. Will Dawood hate him for marrying his ex-girlfriend? What will be Dawood's reaction when he will get to know what Darwish did to Rubab because of his blind outrage? The way Dawood said that he had no grudges against Rubab, Darwish could feel that Dawood won't like what he did to Rubab after abducting her. To avoid any kind of future chaos Darwish decided to not let Dawood meet Rubab.

It was afternoon when Darwish reached home. Reaching there the first thing he wanted to see was Rubab's face but to his utter disappointment, he didn't find her anywhere. He became surprised to see that the guards he hired for Rubab were also missing. Even Razia was nowhere to be seen.

While searching for Rubab, Darwish found Rahella bi at her room sweing something.

He barged inside her room," Where is Rubab?"

" Razia and the guards took her to the hospital," Rahella didn't bother to look at Darwish.

Darwish mumbled," Hospital?"

" What happened? Is she alright?" he questioned sounding concerned.

Rahella rolled her eyes," I didn't ask. I just heard she lost consciousness in the washroom."

Darwish didn't waste another second. He called one of the guards and asked for the hospital address. He rushed to the hospital hoping that she was fine.

Darwish met the doctor. " Is she pregnant?" he questioned hoping that she is carrying his baby.

The doctor shook his head," No."

" Your wife has been skipping her medicines," the doctor added making Darwish confused.

All the time he kept chanting how will he take care of her but in reality except for having sex with her he did nothing for her. He didn't even know that she takes medicine regularly for her mental health. He didn't even know what she had gone through after the fire accident. He became obsessed with her innocent face and feminine body but never tried to look through her soul. 

" Medicines?" Darwish mumbled.

The doctor questioned back giving him side eyes," Don't you know how much important are neuro medicines for your wife?"

Darwish remained silent because he had no idea what the doctor was talking about.

" It's weird that you don't know about your wife that much," the doctor wasn't impressed by Darwish's words. " Your wife has a history of memory loss. The medicines she was taking were mandatory for her to survive. I wonder why did she stop taking them suddenly," the doctor dropped a bomb on Darwish.

Darwish was taken aback by the word Memory loss. Rubab has a history of memory loss! Realization hit him hard why Rubab was always saying that she couldn't remember doing anything to Dawood.

" She is out of danger but make sure she never stops taking that medication," the doctor suggested before leaving.

The doctor left when the guards approached Darwish who was still in shock.

One of the guards informed Darwish," Mam wanted to go to the pharmacy for some medicines. Since you ordered us to not let her go anywhere so we didn't let her go. Her medicines were finished and that's why she wanted to go outside. We didn't understand."

" We are sorry," the guards apologized.

Darwish did not answer anything. He walked to the room where Rubab was laying on the bed. A lot of questions were roaming inside his mind but there were zero answers. He wanted someone to tell him what actually happened to Rubab and that she changed like that.

Darwish went to meet her friend Ayesha because he knew that her family members will not tell him the truth. In fact, her family members have become suspicious of him so it won't be a good idea to ask them.

After meeting Ayesha, he got to know from her about that accident and everything about Rubab's mental health. He got to know from Ayesha that after her memory loss, she became a completely new person with a new personality. The Rubab they knew was completely lost somewhere.

After meeting Ayesha everything was making sense to Darwish. Now he realized why Rubab refused that she didn't know Dawood. He realized why she always denied harming others. He also realized that the person he is obsessed with is not the real Rubab. It's just her new personality. 

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