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Finally after a month the result was published. As expected Dawood topped the examination with the highest marks. In the meantime, Rubab cracked the 3rd position. The 2nd position was taken by Ruhi who was burning in jealousy and pain every single day. 

" I am proud of you," Selim patted Rubab's head having an affectionate smile. 

Rubab couldn't hold back her tears. For the first time she was watching such happiness in her father's face.

" You did so well. Ask me what do you want. I will bring down the earth under your feet," Selim opened his arms. Rubab jumped into his arms like a small kitten.

Dawood was watching this scenery from a small distant. A smile formed at the corner of his lips watching her delighted face. His Rose's face was shimmering like a dazzling moon because of all the hapiness. 

" Always be happy like that, Rose," Dawood smiled. 

He kept standing watching her talking to her family and friends. He was waiting for her to come and talk to him. But, he didn’t know that he wasn’t something important in her life to share her happiness. He was just a necessary object in her life.

Rubab's eyes fell on Dawood who was looking at her with desperate eyes. She understood what was he thinking. So, she switched into her good girl image and went near him.

" Finally you remembered me," Dawood smiled. The smile didn’t reach his eyes though.

Rubab replied lowering her voice," Just look around. My family members are here. They shouldn’t know about our relationship now."

" I will talk to you later," Rubab said and left him.

Dawood was hurt but he didn’t say anything. He believed he was an understanding boyfriend. If she doesn’t want others to know about their relationship now, then it's alright.

He didn’t think anything further and left the school premises. When he came outside, he found his mother standing. She was looking at him with teary eyes. She was proud of her son.

" Dawood. You topped the exam," she tried to hug him but he didn’t let her. The happiness from her face vanished in the air.

Dawood said," Let's go home."

Since the day his mother argued with him regarding Rubab, he became distant from her. His behaviour always hurt her but he never cared.

" I am not your enemy," Dawood's mother tried to hold his hand.

He answered by jerking off her hands," You aren't my friend either. Let's go home."

" At first, you separated me from my father and brother. Now, you want to separate me from Rubab!" Dawood said. " After all this, you want me to believe that you aren't my enemy!" Dawood taunted his mother and sat inside the taxi.

His mother didn’t say anything further though her heart was broken into many pieces. She just comforted herself mentally saying that he will start to realize her concern once he is old. As a teenager it's normal to think that his mother doesn’t want his well-being. Letting out a sigh she sat beside her son and returned home.

It was nighttime and Rubab was scrolling through her facebook account. Well, she was reading a story written by an anonymous member. Rubab always loved reading romantic stories and dreamed of writing her own story. But, she never had any unique plot or ideas in her mind which could make her famous. Since the day she heard Dawood's novel, she felt a confidence in her.

With this confidence she should have started something of her own but she didn’t. She stole Dawood's novel. Whenever she used to visit Dawood, she would take photos of those pages written by Dawood.

Rubab created a fake account and the first thing she did was blocking Dawood so that he never sees what she posts. Even if he becomes a member of this group he won't be seeing her posting his ideas. She was less worried about Dawood because he hardly use social media. He is more active on real life than social media which nowadays most of us lack. Rubab was worried about the audiences reaction. She had hundreds of questions roaming inside her mind. Will they read the story? Will they like it? Will they criticize it?

After gathering some courage she translated the first chapter of Dawood's novel and posted it on Facebook from her fake account. She waited for comments and likes but there was none. She was disheartned by this response. However, her inner mind told her to be patient. She just posted it. Let give the audience some time to discover her writing. Or we can say plagarism.

An hour passed but still there was no visible response. There were only three likes and one comments. Rubab's heart sank. The people didn't like what she posted. She thought to delete her post but somehow she didn't. 

" Let's wait for another day," Rubab thought and went to sleep.

The next day Rubab woke up with the sound of her phone. With heavy eyes she looked at her phone screen. There were a lot of notifications. Her eyes widened with surprise. She clicked on those notifications and there were a massive response on her plagiaried novel. Her eyes danced with happiness. If just one chapter can bring such massive audience, she wondered what a full novel can bring.

Whatever she did was a crime but she ignored it. She wanted to be famous and for fame she can do anything.

Waiting for next part.

Please, next part.

Where is the second chapter?

Reading these comments, Rubab started dancing on her bed. She couldn’t believe her own eyes. She was thrilled about all this. She didn’t feel even a bit of shame for what she did. This story was Dawood's hard work. Hours of his dedication but she just stole it without any consideration. She didn’t even cared about Dawood's feelings. How will he feel knowing that she betrayed his trust? The person he loved genuinely turned out to be a theif.

Rubab was happy after such an shameless crime. She thought she will never be held accountable for her crime but she forgot about Karma.

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