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Dawood and Rubab were in Dawood's house, doing their assignments. Well, Dawood was putting all the efforts while Rubab was just copying him. Dawood intended to learn while Rubab intended to pass the exam at any cost. To avoid getting caught by the teacher she was using paraphrase and other tools in her writing.

From his handwriting to assignments, she just copies everything from him. Once a teacher insulted her in front of the whole class saying that her handwriting was terrible and Dawood has the best handwriting she ever saw.

Since then, Rubab started to copy Dawood's handwriting and she was just a few steps away from adapting his handwriting. Dawood saw what she was doing but he never questioned her. Instead he helped her to improve her handwriting. She shed some crocodile tears and Dawood was swept away by her tears. 

" Rose," Dawood called still keeping his eyes on laptop.

Rubab raised her eyes at him," Hmm?"

" You never asked me why I call you Rose?" Dawood said diverting his eyes at her.

For a few seconds there was an awkward silence between them. Rubab didn't know what to answer because she never cared what he calls her or what he feels for her. He was roaming around her like a lost puppy and providing her a good guidence to pass the exam so it was enough for her. Basically, she was just using him so she never cared what he calls her affectionately. 

Moreover, she was jealous of him at another level. She was jealous of his personality. How can everyone admire him. From teachers to students, everyone just admire him. Everything was perfect about Dawood except his looks. He was an average looking boy according to Rubab. She would have never dated him if she never needed good grades. 

" A nickname given by my sweet boyfriend," Rubab put on a fake smile getting close to him.

Dawood shook his head," No."

" Your name means Rose in Arabic (A/N- It's not actually. For story purpose I just wrote it that way) and you are like a real Rose. Your vibrant and colourful personality can even make a dead man's heart to beat," he held her hands gently. 

Rubab teased," You are behaving like a Shayer(poet)."

Dawood chuckled. " Don't know if I am a shayer or not but I want to show you something," Dawood said while Rubab straightened her back. She wondered what he wants to show.

He went towards the cupboard and opened a drawer. Rubab peeked with curioaity to see what he was doing. A few seconds later, Dawood returned with a dairy with him. He handed it to Rubab who received it sparing an amazed expresssion at him.

" It's all written in Arabic. I can't read Arabic. I understand the alphabet but I can't form sentences and words in Arabic. What's this?" Rubab questioned turning its pages with curiosity.

Dawood started explaining," It's a novel. I have been writing it for the last two years. I used to publish short stories regularly when I was in Iraq. I was quite famous there."

" Really!" Rubab widened her eyes. " What's this novel about?" Rubab asked and Dawood didn't hesitate to tell her what he wrote.

He took a seat beside her," Well, it's based on the Iraqi war. Two lovers who were serving the opposite groups unknown to each other's identity," He continued telling the selling points of his novel. He gave hints about the novel though he did not reveal the climax.

Rubab asked sounding impatient," What happened at the last? You are leaving me on the climax. That's not fair."

" Be patient, Rose. If I reveal the climax to you then all the fun and excitement for you will perish. Read the climax once I publish it. Moreover, I need to put in a few more twists to keep my readers engaged," Dawood said touching her nose playfully.

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