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Sitting on the couch Darwish was rubbing his forehead. He was drunk but sober enough to understand where he was and what he was doing. The girl he brought with him was staring at him in disbelief. She wondered why did he bring her here if he had no intention of having sex with her.

" If you have no intention to fuck me then give my payment. I will leave," she sounded annoyed.

Darwish scowled at her," You aren't leaving before it's morning." The girl shut her mouth looking at his red eyes.

Darwish had no intention of having sex with this girl. He was never a womanizer. In fact, Rubab was his first. He was saving himself for his wife but his anger and hate ruined everything. The malice in his heart made him commit one of the most horrendous sins. 

He was sceptical about his own feelings. For a few moments he felt good seeing Rubab's broken state but he didn't know why a part of him was bothered to see those eyes full of tears. 

Shrugging off her thoughts he stood up balancing his wobbly legs. He went near the window and looked outside. He exhaled a breath closing his eyes. Automatically, his mind travelled back in time when he was happy.

" Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Darwish. Happy Birthday," Darwish's mom sang while placing a spiderman themed birthday cake on the table.

Thirteen-year-old Darwish clapped his hands getting excited. His eyes sparked with contentment seeing the cake. His mother baked it for him.

Darwish was going to blow out the candles but a little boy ruined everything. He blew out the candles and took a fistful of cake in his hands.

" Dawood!" Darwish yelled. " I am gonna kill you."

Dawood let out a cute giggle and the next moment Darwish's whole face was covered with creams. He let out frustrated growls glaring at Dawood.

" I am gonna beat the hell out of you," Darwish screamed and started chasing after Dawood in the whole house.

The moment Darwish opened his eyes, his cheeks were already wet. With the back of his hands, he wiped away those warm tears.

" We should not have left Iraq. We shouldn't," Darwish shook his head vigorously.

On the other hand, Rubab was sitting on the floor having a blank expression on her face. Darwish's words kept buzzing inside her mind making her situation worse. The tear stains on her face was indicating how much she had cried.  Pulling her knees close to her chest she rested her face there. She wondered what she was going to do now. Where was her future heading?

She didn't contact her parents because she didn't want to bother them. According to her, she had given them enough headaches she didn't want to enlarge this list. Specifically, she didn't want to see her mother crying again. Moreover, she was scared for her brothers. What if Darwish sends her brother to jail again? Thinking about all these possibilities Rubab decided to not inform her parents about Darwish. She decided to live here no matter what. Maybe it would be hell for her but she had endured much worse than this. She will manage anyhow.

"  What should I do now? Where should I go? Whom should I talk to?" Rubab questioned herself but didn't get any answer.

Just like any other normal girl she had a lot of dreams regarding her marriage, her husband and her future. She never knew her life would take such a drastic turn. She saw her dreams crumbling right in front of her eyes. She wondered what she did to deserve such a fate.

The Next Morning

The whole night Rubab couldn't sleep properly imagining what Darwish was doing with that girl. She wondered the whole night what could be the reason behind his such behaviour. He hates her. But, why? What she had done to him? She had no idea.

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