Pretty Boyfriend - Gavi

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There is no denying that Pablo was smoking hot. I mean his good looks were half of the reason he got all the attention on him.

y/n felt so luck to have him. Other than his attractive smile, and bright eyes, and fluffy hair, he was the sweetest boyfriend to her.

He always managed to free his time to spend it with her. And always scheduled romantic dates and movie nights for the both of then.

The best part of dating The Pablo Gavi has got to be the cuddles. Other than the cuddles were he would wrap his arms around her waist and her head would be laying on his chest, y/n's favorite has got to be post-training cuddles.

Pablo would be drained from his training session. He would take a quick shower and rush to where y/n was. He'd lay his head on her chest and wrap his arms around her waist tightly.

y/n loved when he was needy for her attention. After laying on top of her, he would ask her to scartch his scalp or play with his hair. He just loved it and it brought him comfort.

They were now asleep in their bedroom. y/n was laying on top of Pablo with her arms around his torso and head laying on his chest.

Pablo was awaken by the sound of his alarm. He groaned lowly and turned it off so he won't wake up his girlfriend.

However, he heard shuffling indicating that she was now awake, or at least half awake since she never stirred in her sleep.

He looked down at her and saw that she was now facing him. She moved closer and put her head on his chest, where his heart was to be exact. She tightened her grip around his waist and pulled him closer to her.

"good morning princess" he whispered, putting his arms around her shoulder and running the other through her hair

"good morning pablo" she mumbled into his chest and snuggled deeper into him making him chuckle

"I have to get up baby. I have training today." he said, his voice still low while he was playing with her hair

"no just stay a bit more" she whined now looking at him, giving him her best puppy eyes

Pablo swore his heart could've melted at that moment

"I wish I wcould, but Xavi wasn't happy the last time I arrived late to practice" he mumbled into her hair, before slowly detaching her arms from around his body

She let out a groan but nodded her head anyways.

Pablo smiled and pressed a small kiss on her cheek, making her smile a bit before he got up and walked to the bathroom

After using the bathroom and brushing his teeth, Pablo took off his shirt that now needed to be washed and walked back to the bathroom.

When he walked out of the bathroom, y/n's gaze quickly drifted to Pablo, who was walking around half naked.

He was collecting his stuff and putting them in his bag, when he felt y/n's gaze on him.

He turned to look at her, and saw her staring at him (more like his body) making him smirk

"do you like what you see, sweetheart?"  his smirk only widening when he saw her quickly move her eyes away from him.

A small blush crept on her face before she looked at him again

"what can I say? I have a pretty boyfriend who is definitely worth the staring" she shrugged making Pablo laugh

After changing into his training kit, he walked to the bed where y/n was still laying.

"I'm gonna go now. Pedri is waiting for me outside. If you need anything just call me. I love you" he pressed a kiss on her head and was about to get up when she pulled him back down and placed her lips on his

"I love you too" she mumbled against his lips when they pulled away

He smiled pressing one last peck on her lips and walking outside his room.

Credit - tumblr : httpsdana

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