Unforgettable - Pedri

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TW - alcohol and slight smut

y/n stood in the middle of the dance floor , dancing along side her two close friends.

i peep'd you from across the room.

pretty body dancing like gogo, aye.

pedri stood in the vip section, which had a great view of the dance floor.

y/n stood out to pedri. something about her emerald silk dress hugging her body perfectly, showing off the beautiful shape of it. her long silk like hair moving to the way she moved her hips. her gorgeous smile that she wore on her face as she twirled around.

pedri kept on watching her like she was his prey and he was the predator. y/n had this spell on him. pedri zoned out while watching her dance.

"pedri... pedri. pedro." gavi tried to get his best friends' attention.

pedri was truly memorized by the unknown girl. aka y/n.

it was like love at first sight.

gavi had noticed that pedri had been staring at y/n. gavi surprisingly knew y/n. his sister being a really good friend to her .

pedri swore he blinked for a second and y/n and her two friends disappeared. he was disappointed. pedri thought maybe they had left.

pedri noticed gavi was gone.

he must get the girl. pedri thought. slightly chuckling at his thought.

pedri once again zoned out , until he heard laughs coming from the stairs that lead up to the vip section he was seated at.

y/n walked away to get a drink. while she stood at the bar she felt a tap on her shoulder. she quickly turned around to see who it was.

it was gavi.

"y/n long time no see." gavi spoke , giving her a side hug.

it's been a few months since the two had seen each other.

"pablo hey. how have you been." y/n smiled , taking a sip of her drink.

"it's been good , i've been training a lot for this season." gavi responded. "but would you like to catch up? we can go up to my section."

y/n was a little taken back at the question but quickly obliged.

"yeah do course let me grab mia and fatima." y/n spoke , as she searched for her two friends.

y/n found them quickly , and gavi lead them up to his section.

as they made their way up the stairs , mia had said something funny , making everybody laugh.

"i swear club bathrooms are nasty as fuck. they always stink and are hella dirty." mia made a disgusted face at the memory of her bathroom trip.

as they reached the last stair , y/n noticed a very attractive man sitting in one of the seats. she noticed that he was by himself.

y/n felt connected to him immediately. something about the unknown man drew her in

"pedri. this is my sisters friend mia , fatima, and y/n." gavi introduced the girls one by one.

pedri took notice of them and as he looked at y/n his heart started beating quickly.

"nice to meet you." pedri waved. eyes still on y/n. her eyes on him as well.

they all hung out for a few hours getting to know each other well.

the group had drinks and played all types of drunk games.

"mhm fuck. you feel so amazing." y/n moaned as she felt pedri leave love bits all over her.

"your absolutely stunning. i'm glad i went to the club tonight." pedri's voice was deep and needy.

the sexual tension was thick.

pedri and y/n tongues fought for dominance. they stripped each others clothing one by one.

"are you sure you want to do this?" pedri asked.

y/n quickly nodded. "yes. do you want this?"

"of course i do." pedri replied before attacking y/n lips.

pedri's large hand slipped down into y/n panties that were soaked . he slowly slipped a finger in to make sure she was ready.

he didn't mind doing foreplay , but it was no secret that the both of them were needy for one another.

y/n let out small whimpers at the feeling of his finger slightly stretching out her right hole.

"fuck y/n. your soaked for me." pedri took his finger in his mouth tasting y/n. "mhm you taste so good."

y/n got turned on just watching pedri suck his own finger.

"fuck me already." y/ns voice was filled with lust.

"whatever you ask for hermosa." pedri spoke before sliding y/ns wet panties to the side before pulling off his own.

he slowly slid himself in , giving her time to adjust to his size.

"pedri you feel so good." y/n moaned , pleasure clouded her mind.

pedri could only moan at the feeling of her around him.

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