meeting the parents - gavi

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"Is this shirt okay? Or am I overdressed?" Pablo asked you over FaceTime while you two were getting ready to have dinner with your family for your mom's birthday.

"You should wear your black shirt so it can match my dress." You said while putting in your gold earrings that Pablo got you a few weeks ago. "Are you nervous?" You giggled when you saw that he was struggling to button up his shirt while cursing in Spanish quietly.

"Honestly, a little. But that's normal, right?" He asked you looking at his phone, at you giving him a smile, the smile he loved so much.

"Of course, but it's going to be okay. You've met them before so it's not like they are total strangers." Which was true. There were multiple occasions when you were out with your boyfriend and met up accidentally on the street with your mom and dad. But they never really hung out or got to know each other properly, so that was why you were taking him with you to one of the fancy restaurants in Barcelona where your mom was celebrating her anniversary.

What you didn't know was that Gavi was properly nervous. Terrified even, he was terrified of the thought of not getting along with your parents, especially your dad and knowing how family oriented you were, the thought of him not getting along with your father made his stomach drop. But he promised himself he would impress your father. You told him multiple times what a big football fan your dad was, and how excited he got when he found out his little girl was dating the golden boy himself. This made Gavi confident he would sweep him off his feet tonight, but even so, he was sometimes overthinking.

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