Boys Night Out - Pedri

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Pedri and y/n were the healthiest couple you could ever meet. Arguments between them are non-existent. Only if you call fights about what movie to watch and who's doing the dishes real arguments.

However, it all changed that night.

After barça's last match which they had lost, y/n was expecting Pedri to come home after the match. But he didn't. She thought that maybe he wanted some time alone and decided to go to his house first.

She texted him but he didn't reply. She tried calling him and it went straight to voicemail. She tried not to be worried but couldn't help think about what he was doing while he was supposed to come home.

She tried calling Pablo too, but he too didn't reply.

She decided to sit down in the living room and binge watch her favorite show waiting for him.

y/n was awaken by hearing the sound of the front door open then close. After that she heard the sound of keys being slammed on the table.

She rubbed her eyes and let out a yawn before getting up and walking towards the door.

She saw Pedri taking of his shoes. He was still in his barça jacket with the clothes he left with underneath.

She crossed her arms over her chest and waited for Pedri to notice her presence. After he turned around, he was startled to see his girlfriend standing their with an angry look on her face.

"mi amor, why are are you awake?" he asked softly

"don't mi amor me right now. I've been so worried, where the fuck have you been?" y/n snapped at him making him let out a sigh and rub his forehead

"calmly please" he groaned still rubbing his forehead

y/n walked closer to him and the smell of alcohol was reeking from him making a look of disgust wash over her face.

"are you drunk?" she asked bitterly, shaking her head

"no no I just had a few drinks" he mumbled walking past her to her bedroom which they both shared.

"no no you're not walking away from this. you haven't answered where the fuck have you been all night?" she asked walking after him

"I just went out with they boys. am I not allowed to do so?" he snapped back at her

"I never said so! you could've just texted me and told me that you were going out instead of leaving me worried all night" she breathed out watching his shoulders slump.

he lets out a sigh and looked at her with a small smile.

"I'm so sorry for not texting you love. my phone was in the bag all night and my bag was in the car. I was just frustrated after our loss tonight so the boys suggested going out and I couldn't say no to them." he apologized with a genuine look on his face

she smiled and walked closer to where he was sat on the bed. He grabbed her hand in his and pulled her down on his lap.

y/n ran her hand through his slightly sweaty and pressed a kiss on his cheek

"no need to apologize darling. I was just worried. I hope you had fun with the boys" she had her hand on his cheek that was recently shaved

"yeah we did. they helped take my mind of todays match" he smiled a bit, before leaning down and pressing a kiss on her lips

She pulled away as soon as their lips touched making Pedri scrunch his face up in confusion

"I'm not gonna kiss you if you were drinking. take a shower and brush your teeth and I might think of kissing you" she said with a teasing smile making Pedri smile too

He kissed her cheek before getting up and taking a shower.

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