Cozy - Gavi

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You were removing your make up in the bathroom when you finally heard the door to your shared apartment open, meaning your boyfriend was back from practice. Touching the screen of your phone to light up, the time read that it was much later than the time Gavi would usually finish practice. This was your first sign that something wasn't okay.

"Bebé?" his voice rang through the apartment.

"I'm in the bathroom, mi amor, I'll be right out." you said loudly, making sure he heard you, but a few seconds later you saw him enter the bathroom, immediately wrapping his arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug while he buried his face in the crook of your neck.

"Mi amor, what's wrong? What happened?" You asked him worried, hugging him close with one arm while your other hand let go of the make up remover wipes and went into his hair, gently massaging his scalp while he sighed into your neck before giving it a sweet little kiss.

"Practice was horrible. I don't know how the next match will go." Pablo said while clinging onto you, feeling vulnerable. He didn't show this side of him to anyone but you. You were the only person that knew how clingy he would get when he was upset, while you were also the only one that could cheer him up.

"Hey, don't say that, it's going to be okay, you're a champ." You bit your lip while trying to think how to cheer him up, knowing it wasn't the right time to seduce him, but rather have an affectionate evening, just the two of you. "You're my champ." You cupped his cheeks and lifted up his head making him look at you. You smiled and Pablo returned a small smile back. He still wasn't okay.

"You're the best thing that ever happened to me, Y/N."  He said looking at you with what you could only describe as heart eyes.

"You are everything to me, that's why tonight, you and I, are going to have the best time ever. I have an idea." You said smiling and clapping your hands together after pulling back from him.

Pablo laughed. "I love you but you and ideas don't go well together, mi vida."

You gasped jokingly putting your hand on your chest. "That was offensive, Mr. Gavira. But I will forgive you this one time, now go put on your pajamas and wait for me." You giggled while shoving him outside the bathroom, and jokingly slapping his butt before going back inside the bathroom.

"Hey!" you heard him exclaim, which only made you giggle more.

Once you heard his footsteps going into your shared bedroom, you started looking through the drawers of your bathroom closet for the facemasks and headbands. After finding the facemask, you were left with choosing out two headbands. You chose one with panda ears for Pablo, and one with a pink bow for you.

When you entered the bedroom, Gavi was sitting on your shared bed, already in his coziest pajamas. He looked up at you and smiled when he saw the facemasks, even though at first he would act like he didn't like doing facemasks with you, after a couple times he started loving how soft his skin would feel after. But what he loved even more was the way your eyes would shine with happiness whenever you applied his mask, complimenting his handsome features whenever you had the chance.

"Beautiful eyes, beautiful nose, beautiful eyebrows. You're perfect, mi cielo." You would always say.

After you changed into your pajamas too, you sit on Pablo's lap while getting ready to apply his mask. His hands immediately finding your ass, resting his hands on it, occasionally giving it a squeeze.

You pushed his head back lightly, so you could put the headband on. He raised his eyebrows and pulled back a little, looking at the headband.

"I'm not wearing panda ears." Gavi said amused.

"Too bad, you don't have a choice. It will make you feel better." You shrugged and resumed what you started doing.

"I don't see how, but as long as you're happy, I'm happy." He pecked your lips.

"So let me do my thing, you're in good hands, mi amor." You gave him another sweet kiss.

"As are you." Pablo laughed while moving his hands on your ass, making you laugh at his childish joke too.

When you were almost done with applying his facemask, you couldn't help but notice how lovingly he was looking at you.

"Stop looking at me like that, Pablo. You're making me blush." You giggled and hid your face in the crook of his neck for a few seconds.

"I can't help it. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I would give you the sun, the moon and all of the stars if I could." He said as sincerely as he could. Putting a hair strand behind your ears and looking you deep into your eyes.

"What did I ever do to deserve you?"  You said trying to fight back the happy tears from your eyes. Damn he really knew how to get you emotional.

That's how the day ended. You applied the mask on yourself and after taking photos together for your Instagram stories, you and Gavi talked for hours, forgetting the time and everything else around you becoming a blur.

When you and Gavi were together, there was nothing else in the world. It was just the two of you, being goofy and forgetting about any and every problem. He wouldn't have it any other way, just you and him against the world, para siempre.

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