sweet dreams - Pedri

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the car ride home. the kiss. the feelings. everything seamed so real.

as pedri was dropping you off at your place after a party, all you could look at was him. his hand on the steering wheel, his other hand on his lap. his eyes on the road ahead of him. the streetlights lighting up his beautiful face. you were wearing a short, tight, black dress with a small slit on your thigh. you were looking out the window as you guys pulled into your apartment complex. you both got out of the car and he walked you up to your front door. before you could open the door to your apartment, you felt a pair of lips on yours. your stomach freaked out and your mind went blank. it felt like you were waiting for this moment for forever now. it was weird feeling that way. when you guys pulled away, his eyes shimmered in the moonlight. butterflies rose in your stomach as you smiled. you woke up to your alarm, reaching over and shutting it off. you got up off your bed and into the shower. your mind instantly went to the dream you had.

the kiss, the feelings, the way he looked at you.

you got out of the shower and got dressed and ready to stay home the whole day. you had a really bad headache so you took some advil for your pain. it felt something like a hangover. a really bad one. you thought nothing of it and sat on your bed and looked at your phone. there was what seamed like millions of notifications from instagram, twitter, tiktok, messages, snapchat, everything. you opened instagram only to see you posted a picture of you and pedri kissing at a party.

what the hell.


gurl check twitter asap

you might want to see this www.twitter.com/pedri and y/n!?!??!? what's going on!?! they're not saying anything about it.

you checked pedri's instagram to see if he posted anything. and he did. it was a picture of you and him sitting at a bar, his arm wrapped around you. kissing you passionately. the caption read

"amor 🫶🏻"

you were so confused to what was happening. but then you remembered the party. you and pedri confessed feelings for each other that you had deep down. the dream was real. the feelings were real. the kiss was real. the look he gave you was real.

it was real life and you were living it.

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