Caught - Gavi

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In the past five months, fans have been doing one hell of a job keeping tabs on everything you and Gavi did together. Something as simple at being seen at the same party became the most viral video on all platforms.

You both decided to keep your privacy away from social media at least until some time passes and your relationship becomes stronger. The last thing you needed is additional pressure to ruin things.

gavi.fanhouse: Guys, they are deifiantelly together!! She is wearing his jersey in her last story! Ameiii <33 Vamos España!
        gaviragirl: nooo :(( she is so gorgeous thoo <333
        pablitoo: no wayyy!! what about princess of spain lmaoo???
        gavi.fanhouse: everyone be respectful, it's their privacy. Thanks!

A picture of you in the infamous #9 Spanish jersey was plastered all over internet with thousands of people speculating yet again weather your are dating the famous footballer.

You and Gavi have successfully kept quiet for almost five months keeping your peace and enjoying your still young relationship.

When you decided to date him, you knew what a great pressure that will bring to your life, but your heart always told you he was the one for you.

"Apparently you're making the young princess of Spain cry right now" Gavi's sister and your close friend teased and you rolled your eyes not really finding it funny.

"Not funny! I told him that I shouldn't wear the phone is blowing up!" you said turning off the ringer that became annoying really quickly.

"Hey, he clearly wants you to wear it..and trust me amiga, Pablo knows what he wants" his sister reassured you which was nice and you brought your attention back to the game.

When the game was over, with the amazing score if 3:0, you all went to meet with Gavi at the hall where paparazzi were swarming the place.

"Guess I will give him a hug later then.." you whispered more so to yourself but when you saw the familiar brown curls from a distance you felt your heart beat faster and your smile grow.

"Congratulations hermano!" his sister was the first to hug him before we all joined the two of them and his eyes immediately glued to my uncertain face as he reached his hand out for me to take.

I gave him a confused look but when I saw that reassuring smile on his lips, I relaxed and took his hand letting him pull me into a tight embrace.

"What are you doing Pablo?" you whispered while still hugging him feeling his figners trace shapes on your back.

"Getting us caught" he whispered back followed by a chuckle and you smiled blushing hard when all the flashes were suddenly on the two of you.

"You are crazy Gavira!" you said once you pulled away through one of the biggest smiles on your face.

"I'm crazy about you, mi amor. And I want everyone to know that!" he said kissing your lips suddenly and you melted into the kiss snaking your arms around his neck while your friends applauded proudly.

"I'm crazy about you, mi amor. And I want everyone to know that!" Gavi's voice kept repeating on the Instagram video the two of you watched that night that went absolutely viral everywhere.

gavirafansss: IT"S OFFICIAL!!! HE'S IN LOVE ! <333 Congrats!!
             pablogavi: graciass <3
             gavirafanss: omg!!! hi!! we love you!!
             gavifanhouse: he responded! omg!! so happy for them <333
              pablitoo: noooo! be with me instead!!!!!
              gavirafansss: be respectful please :) liked by pablogavi
               pablitoo: sorry :((
               gavi.pabloo: crying...but happy for him <33

How do you feel now as my official girlfriend?" he asked while running his figners through your hair as you cuddled in bed together after a long day.

I feel like I need to shut off my phone for at least a year Gavira.." you chuckled and he smiled kissing your lips tenderly but when he pulled away you decided to answer him seriously.

"I'm really proud to be your girlfriend, Pablo. I love you, mi amor.." you said shyly and he smiled nodding his head and capturing your lips once more.

"I love you too bebe" he said into the kiss and you both smiled while continuing to kiss and cuddle each other <33

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