Impatient - Pedri

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Warning - smut (sorry in advance)

"WHAT?But you just came back!"   

Is the retort you wail out upon hearing pedri's plan to hang out with his friends for the night,since he hasn't been able to during the week like he normally does.

Truth be told,pedri spent a lot of his time with you,spoiling you rotten with attention, dick, and affection which you like to think that you're very appreciative of,but in sooth,all of the pampering had you entitled,stubborn and frustrated when you're aching and when your needs aren't met;you always protested whenever confronted about it,claiming that you simply couldn't get enough of him,could never get enough of him,always and unfailingly greedy for his love.

You're aware that you can be very needy,and the few times pedri isn't there to satisfy your desires you have no problem taking care of it on your own,but today it just won't do..he wasn't leaving,you weren't about to let that happen,especially not after he had you spending the entire day in your own head,indulging in filthy untamed fantasies about him,images of his cock fully sheathed inside of your warmth,tight pussy clamping down on him while he relentlessly thrusts into was all you could reminisce about.

You were so excited,so amped up to finally have him for yourself for the forthcoming hours,have him fulfil your desire,but now you now have to surrender to the idea that no,you don't get to be with him because apparently he has other plans..

"m'sorry baby,will make it up to you later,kay?"

You're pouting -Pedri notes- how fucking cute. The jut of your lower lip, so soft and glossy, makes him ache to take it into his mouth,to kiss you dumb and stupid,to kiss away your anger.

He grabs your leg,pulling at it with enough force to drag you to the end of bed,he proceeds to position himself between them as he hovered over your figure,he squeezed and groped at your calves,placing a couple of kisses on your ankle,trying hard to get you out of your foul mood,i mean it's not like he wouldn't love to stay with you,he is considering it,but you can't always have it your way;at least that's what he thinks..

"but i missed you lots,and I feel soo lonely pepi~" you resort to your typical antics,the sap at a man's strength,addressing him in such sultry voice,looking up at him with big pretty lust infused eyes,running your hands over the column of his neck,feeling him up and down, left and's got his mind in a tizzy twirl.

that's all the convincing it took for pedri to succumb,sliding out of his clothes swiftly to then manoeuvre you into your fours,busting you open on his cock real fast,hips rutting into you at a hastily quick rate,his grip on your waist and ass so fervent that it almost hurts..

"fuck,'papi" is the mantra you babble aloud, wispy moans spilling past your lips as he scoops you up in his arms and turns you over, now laying on your back;what a view it is, lidded eyes overtaken with raw lust,splotches of love bites gracing your supple skin, tits sloping to the side,with your legs resting along his shoulders,right where he set them to be.

he leans low to press soft,endearing kisses to your lips,gives your breasts a light squeeze, and plant light smacks on your sensitive pussy,the pads of his fingers toying with your clit.

"—impatient little slut,can't go a day without taking cock..hmm?"

he taunts,sneering against your lips,before easing himself in,hands grasping at either one of your legs as the pace picks up speedily

you're out of it tho,nothing's going on inside of your pretty little fogged up mind -aside- from immense palpable ecstasy,oh so content that you managed to get your way once again like you always do..

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