Her Ex - Gavi

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"He's playing quite agressive, isn't he?", Aurora asked, nodding towards her brother. "It's Pablo, he always plays aggressive", you chuckled, playing it down but you had noticed it as well.

Your boyfriend was extra agressive today, especially towards one particular member of the opposite team. Your ex boyfriend Pierre had transferred to Sevilla during the winter transfer window.

And to your displeasure you had the chance to talk to him already...

"Y/n? Is that you?", you heard a voice behind you. You turned away from Ferran and Alejandro but when you saw who had called your name, you wanted to turn away again.

"Pierre", you said, looking at him.

Your ex-boyfriend had a smile on his face and went in for a hug but you stepped back. The two Barça players gave you a questioning look.

"What do you want?", you asked, crossing your arms over your chest. "Just wanted to say hello, we haven't seen each other in ages", the blond boy grinned with a strong french accent. "Hmm, maybe just a thought for your tiny little brain. Could it be because you cheated on me?", you said, your voice dripping with sarcasm.

Pierre shook his head with a smirk.

"C'mon, you're still mad about it", he laughed. You snorted and shook your head in disbelief.

Then you turned back to the two boys, but Pierre grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him. You hastily snatched it from him.

"Let me go!", you said, raising your voice.

"Hey!", someone called behind you and shortly afterwards you felt Alejandro pulling you behind him. "And who are you?", Pierre asked bit-approvingly and looked down at Alejandro, who was least half a head smaller.

"I could ask you the same thing", he said and looked at the Sevilla player. "Ale, leave it", you muttered and pulled on his arm.

"I'm her boyfriend", Pierre grinned.

You frowned and shook your head.

"You lost every privilege to ever say that again", you cut in before Alejandro could say anything, you really didn't want Pierre to know details about your private life with Gavi. "Pierre, I told you 6 months ago and my mind hasn't changed. I don't want you in my life and I never want to see you again. Bye", you said with a sharp voice.

You took Alejandro's arm and pulled him back to Ferran.

"Y/n, je t'aime (I love you)", he called. "(Bien, je ne le fais pas! Je te deteste)! Well, I don't. I hate you", you called back and turned around again. "On peut en parler? (Can we talk)?", he asked, sounding almost desperate, but you knew it was all just for show.

You were tired of hearing his false excuses.

"Je n'ai rien à te dire, arrête, ne me dérange (plus I have nothing to say to you, stop, don't bother me anymore)", were your last words before you turned to the two Barcelona players.

"What was that all about?", Ferran asked, nodding in the direction of Pierre. "He's my ex boyfriend, Pierre Dubois. He cheated on me but apparently still thinks I'm his property", you explained, rolling your eyes.

"You speak French?", Alejandro then asked. You nodded. "I lived in France and had French in school", you replied. "We dated for about a year but 6 months of that he was cheating on me", you kept going.

"Dick", Ferran mumbled and continued doing his warm-up.

Your boyfriend had received a yellow card in the first half, for a more than nasty tackle against none other than your ex boyfriend Pierre. Your brother Pedri had hissed besides you, saying he'll get at least a yellow card for this

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