Drinks and The Dance Floor - Gavi

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The club alive tonight, with music playing so loud you could feel the thumping of the beat in your chest. People danced passionately, cheered loudly, and drank like no tomorrow. y/n was enthralled by it all.

Watching from the booth in the corner she sipped her second vodka. She scanned the club enjoying the view of people losing themselves to the beat of the music. Highly entertained by the crowd of people she took another sip of her drink before having her gaze drift to the bar.

That's when she saw him from across the club sitting at the bar, alone. The Pablo Gavi just alone at the club bar. This had to be a scene straight out of a rom-com. She had half a mind to just leave him alone, let him enjoy his night in peace. Watch him from afar.

But where's the fun in that and she came here to have fun. And tipsy confidence started to take over.

This is the golden boy of FC Barcelona, one of her  favorite youngsters of this generation. She could watch him from afar whenever she wanted to but the chance to even speak to him may never come again. Downing the last of her vodka sprite, a game plan formed in her head. She shook her shoulders a bit and made her way across the club to the bar, a small smirk forming on her lip.

She leaned back on the counter at the empty spot next to him, her arms propped on the counter holding her weight.

"Hi." she greets him, her smirk becoming a sweet smile.

"Hey." He replies back short.

She looked behind her at the bar then back to Gavi, "Are you-", before she could finish her sentence he cut her off.

"Yes, I'm Pablo Gavi." his voice became increasingly more distant. The girl could only laugh, smiling wider.

"Oh no I was going to ask if I could buy you a drink. But it's quite a pleasure to meet you, Pablo Gavi."

Gavi looked taken aback. Girls fawn over him, come up to squealing his name, then squealing again when he speaks to him. But she just laughed off his name. Treated him like a regular guy. It intrigued him to say the least.

Leaning back on his chair he finally met her gaze to find soft eyes and a coy smile draw her lips. Gavi noted her outfit first, dressed in a simple cropped shirt  that rested right above her belly button with wide sleeves and flared jeans. It was a simple outfit but complemented her shape well. Paired with the dismissiveness of his name and the air of confidence around her. It was alluring.

"You want to buy me a drink? ¿Por qué?" Gavi asked with a raised eyebrow.

y/n shrugged her shoulders. "¿Por qué no? Gives me an excuse to talk to a pretty guy sitting by himself. You'd do the same with any girl, sí?" she replied, her tone laced with flirtatious intentions.

Gavi felt his face flush and thanked god the club lights obscured the color. She called him pretty and it made him flustered. He quickly composed himself.

"Well what can I get, hermosa?" he asked, smiling playfully matching her flirtiness.

"Whatever you want, my treat sweetheart." she replied, pushing herself off the counter and making her way to the bartender. Gavi followed after quickly catching her pace.

"Hola amigo," he called out to the bartender, waving him down slightly.

"Hi, what can I get you two?" the bartender asked, throwing a towel over his shoulder.

"I'd like a beer, por favor?" the bartender nodded then looked to y/n gesturing for her to order.

"For me I'd like a sangria and two shots of tequila, and also can you add it to this card?" She pulled out her credit card from the back pocket of her pants and handed it to the man.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2023 ⏰

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