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Mum came bustling into the kitchen as she yelled back at me. 


"Do I have to go to school this year?" I said smiling innocently. 

"Violet," she said in a if-I've-told-you-once-I've-told-you-a-thousand-times tone, "I already told you and your brother's that school is very important even if you think it is stupid"

"It is stupid and I already know everything." I muttered.


"Oh, nothing."

Fred and George walked through the back door looked me in the eyes then looked at mum.

I looked at they as if to say help. 

Fred shrugged. 

"Sorry not sorry." George mouthed. 

"Assholes." I whispered. 

"Excuse me?" Mum said towering over me. 

"I was just talking to myself."

 "Go pack for the World Cup." She said waving me away. 

I walked up the steps to my shared room with Ginny. 

She was laying on her bed looking through a fashion magazine. 

"Hey girl, what are you looking at?"

"Stuff we can't afford." She said closing the magazine. 

"Hey! Be positive."

 "I'm just stating the facts." 

"For a third year your really sassy."


"So," I said plopping down next to her, "What's up?"

"I'm excited but also..." She trailed off.

"But also what?"

"Nothing, nevermind."

"Oh no," I said grabbing her arm as she tried to walk away, "Girl tell me. It's not like I'm gonna tell anyone. And I'm your older sister, so yeah. You kinda have to tell me now." 

"Do you remember when you and me went shopping a few weeks ago?"


"Do you remember when I saw some friends and I asked if I could talk with them for a sec?"


"Actually it isn't important."

"If it is making you this upset it is important." I said putting a hand on her back. 

She sighed. 

"Then this new girl from Beauxbatons was hanging out with them and said that my clothes were trashy and that I was fat."

Her eyes started to tear up. 

"Ginny!" I said giving her a hug.

"You are not fat number one and she is probably just some spoiled brat who doesn't know her hand from her head." 

She dropped her head into my shoulder. 

"Violet do you know when..." Ron was looking down then looked up seeing Ginny crying he just stopped. 

I shook my head telling him it was not a good time.

I ran my hand through her hair. 

We had been hugging for a few minutes when I whispered, "Is that why your not eating as much?"

"Please don't tell mom."

"I won't as long your start eating because you are anything but fat and are beautiful."


"Also if you wanted we could go shopping before we start to pack."

"Like right now?!" She asked grinning.

"Yeah! Get dressed and we can just apparate."

I already know the prefect spot where we could shop because where I worked was right across from I worked.

I had walked around it a couple times and I hoped Ginny would love it just as much as I did.

"Can I borrow some of your clothes?" Ginny yelled from the bathroom.

"Of course!"

A few minutes later she walked out in this:

"Are you gonna wear that?" She said eyeing me up and down

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"Are you gonna wear that?" She said eyeing me up and down. 

"Apparently no."

I picked out something that would complement her oufit. 

I picked out:

"That is a lot better

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"That is a lot better." 

"I'm glad you like it." I said chuckling. 

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