Why is HE here?

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As we walked over the hill sunlight was peeking over the mountains in the distance. 

"Arthur! Arthur Weasley!" I heard someone yell. 

"Oh, Amos!" Dad said walking over to a man. 

They shook hands and talked about the Ministry for a few minutes.

I heard a rustling sound coming from behind the closest tree. 

"I haven't found anything dad." A familiar voice called. 

I looked back and saw him. 

"Oh Cedric!" Amos said, "Look who I found. They are going to the World Cup too!"

"Oh n-nice." He said looking at me. 

"We'll be searching for the Portkey with them."

Cedric walked over to me as we started to spread out. 

"I'm sorry I di-"

"Back off dickhead." Fred said walking over to me. 

"Don't talk to her." George said. 

"I was just trying to say I didn't know that we were going to meet."

"We need to find the Portkey." I said walking away. 

I let out a shaking breath. 

"Why?! Why did HE have to be here?!" I thought to myself. 

My vision became cloudy as tears formed. 

"Hey." Ron said walking over to me. 

"What do you want?" I said looking away from him to wipe my eyes. 

"Are you ok? With Diggory being here." 

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I lied. 

"You broke up." 


"Well if I broke up with someone I wouldn't want to see them. Why did you break up with him anyway?"

The only people who knew why I broke up with Cedric were Fred, George, and Cedric.

"We just weren't on the same life path." 

"Everyone says that, what actually happened?"

"I don't what to talk about it." I said walking over to a different part of the woods.

I was looking behind a big rock when George walked over to me. 

"Ron asked you what happened, didn't he?"


I found an old boot on top of a log. 

"Could this be it?" I asked. 


"FOUND IT!!" I yelled walking to the road with the boot in my hand. 

After everyone got there we stood in a circle around it. 

"OK, everyone put your hands on the boot. We should be leaving in just a few minutes." Amos Diggory said checking his watch to make sure he was correct about the time. 

Of course Cedric had to stand in front of me. 

Fred and George were behind me. 

Fred put his hand on my shoulder to tell me that they were there if I needed them. 

I put my hand on top of his as a thanks but I got it. 

He removed his hand.

"Be ready!" Amos said. 

We all tensed up preparing for be swirled around. 

Well all of us except Harry who was across from me. 

He looked so confused.

Suddenly we were spun around. 

Then we hit the ground hard. 

I heard Fred grunt as Ron landed on top of him

"Vi was right, gosh." He said pushing Ron off him. 

I looked up and saw Dad, Amos Diggory, and Cedric floating down gracefully. 

I rolled my eyes. 

I started to stand up when Cedric walked over to me. 

"Let me help." He said offering his hand down to me. 

"No, I'm actually ok."

George "accidently" ran into Cedric. 

"Oh, so sorry." He said sarcastically. 

I got my bag and stood up.

Fred and George walked with me all the way to where we checked in. 

They were the best brothers. 

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