"Saving" Harry

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I ran downstairs. 

I saw my dad in his Ministry clothes.

"OK now that we are all here we are going to use floo powder and then Fred, George, and Violet will go get his trunk and then we'll leave I guess."

"OK." We all said at the same time. 

Fred, George, and I made eye contact and nodded. 

We were gonna test our newest product on the biggest jerk.

I don't mean the most known, he was big in size and not the good kind. 

"Ok I'll go first and then Fred, then George, then Violet, and lastly Ron."

"Daddddd," Ron whined, "Why am I last? I'm Harry's friend."

"You could just not come," I whispered to George, "It would help the lot of us, you little whiny baby."

He bit his knuckle so he wouldn't laugh but he had a stupid grin on his face. 

"Cause you aren't doing anything important." Dad replied. 

We all died of laughter. 

Ron was so red.

"Well what are we waiting for." He said hotly. 

"What house does Harry live in again Ron?"

"4 Privet Drive."

"Thank you, Ronald."

I snickered. 

"NUMBER 4 PRIVET DRIVE!" Dad roared as he threw the powder down . 

Purple flames engulfed him as he whirled away. 

"My turn." Fred said grabbing a handful of the shimmering, purple powder. 

"4 PRIVET DRIVE!" He yelled throwing the powder down. 

"See ya," George said who already had his handful of powder ready. 

"4 PRIVET DRIVE!" He shouted waving at us as he went. 

I walked over to the pot that had the powder in it.

I bent over and scooped some powder out of the pot. 

The glittering powder was very finely ground so it was soft to the touch. 

I walked over to the fireplace. 

"Peace out Ronald."

"4 PRIVET DRIVE!" I yelled quickly.

"VIOLET!" I heard a angry Ron yell. 

I was whirled around until I hit the bottom of something. 

It was pitch black. 

"Ow someone just kicked me in the ribs!" I heard Fred say. 

"That was probably me sorry." I said. 

Suddenly I felt something heavy drop right on top of me. 

"Goodness!" I exclaimed, "Have you been eating bricks?"

"Violet be nice." I made out. 

I thought it was dad, he sounded like he was being shoved against the wall. 

"What are we doing here? Has something gone wrong?" Ron asked.

I rolled my eyes. 

"Oh no, Ron," I heard Fred said very sarcastically, "No, this is exactly where we wanted to end up."

"Yeah we are having the time of our lives in here," George voice came muffled, I figure he was being shoved against the other wall. 

"RON! If you touch there one more time your dead meat." I said. 

"Calm down, bro." 

"Don't act cool."

"Shut it." 

I heard dad mutter a spell then the wall that was holding us in let go. 

We tumbled into the room.

I rolled over to see a pissed Mrs. Dursley looking down at me. 

"Well hello to you too." I said popping up and holding my hand out so she could shake it. 

"OH!" She squealed waving her hands in the air like I was something dirty. 

"Fred, Violet, George go get Harry's trunk please."

We walked up the stair case and turned into the first room on the hallway. 

We knew where his room because 2 year earlier we had broke him out of this room.

It hadn't changed one bit. 

"Ok so I'm thinking we make it look like an accident." George said making sure his pockets had the "candy".

"Well we aren't just gonna lay them on the ground." I said sarcastically .

"Vi has a point." Fred said. 

"They can 'spill' out of our pockets while we are carrying his trunk." 

Fred and George got his trunk as I got Hedwig's cage and some other things that looked important.

As we walked down the stairs Fred casually hit his leg making the "candy" spill out of his pocket and roll across the room. 

"Oh silly us." George said as they set Harry's trunk by the fireplace and I put the cage and other stuff on top of it. 

As we started to pick them up I saw Dudley waddle away with something in his hands. 

I looked over at Fred and George, they saw him too. 

We looked away from each other so we wouldn't laugh.  

After we had picked up our stuff we left. 

When Harry got back he walked over to us.

"What did you give Dudley?" He whispered. 

"Oh. I'm guessing it worked then." I said. 

"Oh it worked alright." He said. 

Hermione and Ginny walked downstairs. 

"Oh hey girl." I said as she ran over to give me a hug. 

She was like another little sister to me. 

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