What's next for us?

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"I'm Fred this is George and that is Violet." Fred said motioning to each of us. 

I waved at him awkwardly and he gave me a warm smile back. 

"Ok so let's see these goods." Zonko said eagerly. 

"We brought in a few of our creations..." George started. 

"We have for you Canary Creams..." Fred said pulling out the small pastry that we had perfected over the summer. 

"Ok let me stop you there." Zonko said. "How are these made?"

I looked at my brothers. 

"We clearly said in our letter that we were going to partner with Zonko's and sell. Not show you our recipes." I said.

"Exactly. And I said clearly that I would be honored to to have your products in my store."

"Yeah so a partnership."

"No. You would come up with ideas and make them. And I would sell them and get the credit." 

"Hell no." 

"Oh well I would love to try a Canary Tart or whatever." Zonko said reaching for one of the creams.

Fred pulled them away before Zonko could get them.

"Thank you for your time." George said sarcastically as we walked out of his house. 

I apparated us back home.

"I'm still pissed that Bill taught you how to apparate and not us." Fred said. 

"I am his favorite soooo." I said as I shrugged innocently. 

"I'm pissed that was going to Zonko use us." George said. 

"Oh my gosh!! He is such a jackass!" I yelled as we walked up to the house. 

When we went inside Mum was standing at the door.

"Where were you?" She asked angrily.

 "We went to go shopping but didn't find anything good." I said briskly as we walked passed her and upstairs into Fred and George's room.

"Well, maybe this is a good thing." George said as he closed the door behind us.

I plopped on the the window seat in between Fred and George's bed.

"How?" I asked, "We need the money, we don't have the money, we were gonna get the money."

"Maybe we need more products." George said, "To, you know, start a joke shop."

"You know that mum would kill us if we even tried to start one. Or even tried to make more products." Fred said.

"And??" I asked. "We never cared about that before."

"Yeah but that was when we had a little money." 

"That absolute dick Bagman took it all." George said. 

"Yeah true, but if we don't take any chances we aren't gonna get any money." I said. 

"At least you have a job. We couldn't find anywhere and now I'm definitely not working for Zonko. That was my second option." Fred said.  

"What was your first option?" 

"Not working." 

"I wish."

"IdEas! GuYs coMe On!" George whined.

"For what?"

"AnyThiNg!" George wailed.

We all slumped down trying to think.

Fred's eyes lit up.

"What Fred?" I asked. 

"What do all of us want to do in class the most?" 

"Skip." I said immediately.



"That's all I got so far." 

"Oh." I let out a sigh as I slumped back down. 

"OuR liVeS ArE poiNtlEsS!!!" George cried.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked looking over my shoulder George.

I was facing Fred's bed and hadn't looked at George since we walked in.

He was draped over the side of his bed and was playing with the tassels on the rug. 

I rolled my eyes and got comfortable again. 

I pulled the knitted blanket that was at the end of the window seat over my body and turned over to look out of the window.

It was sunny and the fields were full of that grass that looked wheat.

I let my eyes droop closed. 

- a few hours later -

I woke up and stretched out my legs. 

I tried to roll over but instead rolled off the window seat.

I laid there for a second and looked at the clock on Fred's bedside table.


I went into my room and changed into something more comfortable (and that didn't have sweat stains) to got on a walk.

The fit:

I walked downstairs and out the back door

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I walked downstairs and out the back door. 

"Be back before 6:30!" Mum yelled out of the kitchen window.

I gave her a thumbs up and continued to walk down the hill onto the dirt path. 

I was listen to my playlist which consisted of a hodge-podge of a lot of types of music. 

"God's Plan" was playing and I was thinking about what we could do with the idea of getting out of class.

Most people want to get out of class because it is boring (and it is) but I wanted to get out of class because it was too easy and I am far ahead everyone. 

Not like Hermione but I got all my O.W.L.S (mind you that Fred and George 3 each). 

It felt like even though I had gotten all my O.W.L.S my mom still thought of me as a stupid little girl, who's only point in living was to be annoying and break the rules.

Which don't get me wrong I do enjoy doing those things but I was so much more than that. 

It felt like the only people who got that were Fred, George, Ginny, and sometimes Hermione. 

"God's Plan" ended and "Paradise" flowed into my ears. 

I looked at my watch, 6:00.

I turned around and started walking back to my house. 

Tomorrow I would get to go to my second home. 

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