Getting Home

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"We need to find the little ones." I said quickly not breaking my stare a that horrid mark. 

The snake slithered out and around the skull. 

"I don't even know how to find them." George said. 

The swarm of people running was immense and I was being jerked back and forth, side to side.

I could feel my head beginning to swim. 

I was getting light headed. 

Someone grasped my shoulder. 

"Vi, come on." The person said turning me around. 

"Yeah, coming." I mumbled. 

When I tried to move everything swirled around like when you stir a straw in a glass of water. 

My eye's rolled back. 

- later -

"They got her." A sharp voice said. 

"No way." I heard Harry mumble. 

"There is a pulse but it is very slight." Another softer voice. 

"She was with us the whole time so 'they' didn't get to her." Fred said.

"I wonder why she was alone then." The sharp voice snapped back. 

I wanted to get up just to prove the sharp voice wrong but I was so weak, too weak. 

Where even was I?

It felt like they had drained my magic from my soul. 

Was that even possible to drain magic. 

"Guys." I tried to say but it felt as if the words slid back down my throat. 

"What the hell?" I thought. 

"Guys." I yelled but it came out as a whisper. 

"Vi!" Ginny said plopping next to me.  

I tried to push myself up with my arms but I couldn't. 

Ginny grabbed my arm and pulled me up so I was sitting up next to her. 

"Not dead." I muttered. 

"Ma'am?" The sharp voice said. 

I could see now that it was Percy's boss, Mr. Crouch. 

I'm shocked that they aren't married, I mean he doesn't shut up about him. 

"Oh Weatherby..." 

"Yes, Mr. Crouch." Percy said popping up and practically running over to him. 

"Is this your sister?" 

"Yes sir." 


I looked at Fred and George, who were snickering.

Harry, Hermione, and Ron were standing together, like normal, whispering about whatever. 

Ginny looked at me. 

"If you feel weak it is cause you hit your head on a rock and your head was covered in blood." She whispered. 

I moved my hand to the back of my head. 

I could feel a big piece of cotton on my head. 

"Go back to sleep. You need it."

I laid my head back on the pillow and almost immediately fell back asleep. 

- later -

The smell of apple pie wafted into my nose. 

I rolled over and felt a familiar covering of sun on my face. 

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