The Train

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"UP! UP! UP!" Mum yelled. 

She threw the blanket off me and rolled me off the bed. 

I hit the floor with a loud thump and groaned. 

"Good-ness Mum!" I said in an exasperated tone. 

"Don't be a smartass to me." Mom said back as she walked out. 

I laughed. 

I did love her deep down we just had a rocky relationship on the surface. 

Percy wouldn't shut up about a "surprise" that we would have at school this year. 

A new defense against the dark arts professor.


I'm shook.

I went into the bathroom took a quick shower because I had a feeling that I wouldn't be going to bed until maybe 3-4 am. 

I put on my usual makeup; concealer, highlighter on my water line, in the corners of my eyes, and on my nose, and to finish it off mascara. (that is my actual makeup routine lol)

I put my hair in a claw clip and changed into a comfortable outfit. 

The fit:

I grabbed my trunk and walked downstairs

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I grabbed my trunk and walked downstairs. 

I was the first one down there. 

Well of course I was because I'm the only morning person in my family. 

Night owl and morning person. 

Great combo. 

I decided to have plain yogurt with granola and honey. 

The bowls were in the top of the cabinet and I was 5' 3" so I had to climb on counter to try and reach them. 

I was too short though. 

I decided to stand up. 

The counter wasn't very deep so I had to cling to the cabinets so I wouldn't fall off.

I let go with one hand to grab the bowl but I slipped and fell. 

"This is the end." I thought to myself whilst falling. 

"What a pathetic way to die."

I felt my body hit something. 

That something wasn't hard and gave a little. 

"I'm dead." I thought "I have made it to heaven. I didn't think I would make the cut."

"Vi, what the bloody hell were you doing standing on the counter?" George said as he gently put me down. 

I held up the bowl and smiled innocently.

"You could've died."

"Really?" I asked sarcastically. 

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