Bill's Convo

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Finally, peace. 

We had set the tents up and I was just sitting. 

I hadn't just sat in forever. 

I had unpacked and changed into this because it was green:

Hermione had gone with Harry and Ron to do I don't even know what

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Hermione had gone with Harry and Ron to do I don't even know what. 

She was always with them like how? 

I love Fred and George but they get on my nerves sometimes. 

Ginny was in the boys tent. 

Bill walked in. 


"What do you want?" 

"Oooo not friendly." 

I rolled my eyes. 

"Can I sit next to you?"


We didn't talk for a few minutes. 

"Fred and George told me what happened." He whispered. 

"What do you mean?"

"About Diggory." 

"How much did they tell you?"


I looked away from him. 

"You shouldn't have had to deal with that." 


That was all I could say. 

Bill moved closer to me. 

I put my head on his shoulder. 

It all hurt again. 

I felt a tear escape my eye but I didn't care. 

"He doesn't deserve you." He whispered putting his arm around. 

"Or I don't deserve him." I thought. 

"Say something." 


"You are so annoying."

"I know."

"If I may ask how did you and Diggory meet and get together?"

- flash back -

"Viiiiiii!" I heard Fred yell as they ran up behind me. 

"What?" I asked turning around to see my brothers and their friend all with big goofy grins on their faces. 

They looked at each other. 


"Ok so.." Lee started

"I kissed Katie Bell.." George said. 

"And I kissed Angelina..." Fred said. 

"So..." Lee continued. 

"You have to kiss someone." George said. 

"Why?" I laughed.

"Our deal." Fred said. 

The deal was that if two of us triplets did something the other one would have to. 

We made this deal when we little kids. 

"Fine." I said looking around to find a guy. 

Found one.

I walked over to him. 

"Hey Diggory." I said turning him around and pulling his tie so he had to kiss me. 

To my surprise he kissed back. 

His hands were on my neck pulling me close to him. 

I was still pulling on his tie with one a hand and the other hand was on his chest. 

I could feel my heart beating inside my chest. 

"OOOOOOOKKKK!" Fred said pulling my shirt. 

Cedric looked dumbstruck. 

"See you later Diggory." I said walking with my brothers and Lee. 

"What the hell was that?!?" George said. 

"You told me to kiss someone so I did." 

"NOT LIKE THAT!!" Fred yelled. 

"Oh sorry." I said smiling to myself. 

- end of flash back -

"Vi, if you don't want to talk about it you don't have too."

"No, I want to tell you."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Ok so Fred, George, and I have a deal that when two of us do something the other has to do it to." 

Bill nodded.

"So they both had kissed girls..."

"Wait, they kissed someone before you did?!" 




"Charlie and I had a bet with each other on who would kiss someone first and I had two galleons on you." 

"Oh well technically I kissed someone before them but that is between you and me." 

He chuckled. 


"OK so they said I needed to kiss someone and Diggory was right there so, yeah."

"Oh ok."

"Are you ready to go?" Ginny said as she walked in.

"Uh yeah!" I yelled hurrying out of the tent. 

"Calm down." Bill said laughing. 

"Oh sorry."

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