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When we got to the shop she walked in and looked at me with a big grin.

I smiled back at her. 

She walked over to a clothes rack that some cute tops and pants. 

I was just gonna let her pick things out by herself. 

I sat down and looked around the store for a second.

A few minutes later Ginny walked over to me with a couple items. 

"I really like these. What do you think?"

This is what she picked out:

"I think I'm going to borrow that a lot

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"I think I'm going to borrow that a lot."

She chuckled. 

We went over to the counter to pay for the clothes. 

"Oh! I've waiting for someone to pick these things out for weeks."

"It was all her." I said gesturing to Ginny.

"Well you have great taste young lady."

"I learned from the best."

She smiled at me. 

"That will be a total of 8 sickles ma'am." The lady at the counter said handing Ginny the bag with the clothes in it.

"Ok." I said pulling out the 8 coins. 

"You ladies have a great rest of the day." 

"Oh we will."

I walked out into the street and saw my boss. 

"Violet! Violet!" He called, waving his arm in the arm.

"I'll be right back." I said walking over to him. 

"Hello Mr. Wicket, what did you need?"

"I was just going to tell you that we are going to miss you over the school year. You will be coming back next year correct?"

"Umm, if you still want me to work at your shop then sure ."

"Oh good. You know someone will be excited about that." He said nodding to my co-worker, Wyatt. 

Wyatt was my age and he went to Durmstrang. 

He had dark, curly brown hair with green eyes. 

I mean he was cute but I don't know if he is my type. 

"He thinks your very pretty."

"Did he say that?" I asked. 

"Well," He paused for a second, "Not exactly. You should go talk to him."

He grinned as he pushed me over to him. 

"Oh, Violet, hi." He said looking up from sorting some books onto a cabinet. 

"Hi. What are you sorting?" I asked as a conversation starter. 

I looked over at Ginny. 

She followed me into the store and was sitting on a stool looking through Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. 

"Oh we just got a new shipping of  Quidditch : The Sport."

"Personally, I think that is the dumbest title ever."

"I agree. Like what else would Quidditch be?"

I chuckled. 

"While we are on the topic of Quidditch, are you going to the World Cup?"

"Yes! Are you?"

"Yes, maybe I'll see you there."

"Maybe," I said looking up at him.

"I was wondering if you wanted to-"

"I'm sorry I should probably go." I cut him off. 

"Oh, ok. I guess I'll see you later." He said looking confused.


I walked over to Ginny.   

"Time to go." I said as I grabbed her arm. 

"I thought you were gonna talk to Wyatt for longer." She said as we walked out of the store. 

"Yeah well, we didn't." I said shortly. 

"Yeah, wanna talk about it?"

"Maybe when we get home. Hold my arm." I said as I held it out for her to grab. 

When we got back home I packed quickly because I was supposed to have doing that the whole time we were gone. 

"VIOLET! FRED! GEORGE! RON! IT IS TIME TO GO GET HARRY!" Mom yelled from the kitchen. 

I heard foot steps race outside my door. 

I ran out my door so I wouldn't get left.

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