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- fast forward to the day before we get on the train -

"VIOLET!" Mum roared. 

"What the hell did I do this time." I muttered to myself as I turn off my phone, rolled off the side of my bed and walked to the door that led to the hallway. 

"YES MUM!!" I yelled back down. 

"Come here." She said in the scary calm voice that she used when she was very angry. 

I walked down the stairs, silently praying. 

"Yes mum." I said as I walked into the kitchen. 

She was standing a the sink looking into the yard. 

"Did you or did you not de-gnome the garden?" 

"Oh shit. I forgot to."  I thought silently. 

"I didn't." I muttered. 

"Ma'am?" She asked already knowing the answer. 

"No ma'am." I said slowly. 

"But I will." I responded to my own comment quickly not wanting to get the wrath of my angry mum. 

I ran up the stair and slid into my room. 

I changed into some old ripped jeans that were Charlie's and an old shirt that was Bills. 

I pulled my, unlike like Ginny's and my mother's beautiful straight hair,  curly hair back into a makeshift low bun. 

Ginny walked into our room.

"Oh looks like someone forgot something." 

I stood up from tying my shoe and pushed her slightly in a jokingly way. 

"De-gnoming sucks balls." I said walking out. 

Of course Percy was right there when I walked out. 

"Maybe you'll remember next time." He said smirking at himself. 

My hand accidently made contact with face. 

"My b." I said trying to snuff down a laugh. 

He stormed off. 

I walked downstairs. 

The back door creaked as I open the it. 

- after de-gnoning *insert upside-down smiley face lol* -

"How are you?" Fred said as he and George walked into my room. 

I was getting changed into a comfy outfit. 

Outfit : (btw the plaid is burgundy not yellow, the hair is in a high pony, and imagine a oversized grey zip-up hoodie lol) 

Outfit : (btw the plaid is burgundy not yellow, the hair is in a high pony, and imagine a oversized grey zip-up hoodie lol) 

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"You look hot." George said as he sat next to me. 

"Too hot to not go anywhere." Fred said as he wrapped his arm around me. 

"What do y'all want?" 

"We need to go." Fred said wiggling his eyebrows and smirking.

"Um... OH MY GOSH!!" I yelled. 

George and Fred fist bumped each other.

"Holy shit, actually?!?!" I said. 

They both nodded. 

"Are we gonna go or..." Fred asked. 

I apparated us up to a house. 

It was a brick house that had green shutters. 

There was a dirt pathway up to house. 

We walked up the path silently. 

We got to his door. 

"Do you have the stuff?" I asked my brothers.

They pulled the pockets of their khaki pant to show the few really good thing they had brought. 

I nodded my head and gulped, looking at the door.  

"Do we just go?" Fred asked motioning toward the door. 

I stepped up to the door and knocked. 

A man came up to us.

I was shaking. 

He had longish grey stringy hair and was wearing thick coke bottle glasses. 

He was tall compared to me and was a little shorter than the twins. 

His clothes were all different colors and patterns (he looked like dad trying to be a muggle). 

"Um hi," I said awkwardly, "We are the Weasleys."

"Oh my my my my my my my," He said running into his house leaving the door open. 

You could here him rummaging around for who knows what. 

I gave Fred a 'what the hell' look. 

He shrugged as in 'I don't even wanna know'. 

I turned back around to see him dressed normally. 

"So sorry I was umm," He paused for a moment then blinked a couple of times. 

"IT WORKED!!" He yelled scurrying into his house. 

"You all can come in." He yelled. 

I looked at George and he nodded. 

I stepped into his house the floor boards creaking making me a little self conscious. 

His house reminded me of Luna's. 

The china cabinet that was on the hallway into his house was full of bubbling liquids and brightly colored candy. 

He was scribbling something down on a ripped piece of parchment. 

"I'll get back to that." He muttered under his breath putting his quill down. 

"Please. Sit." He said motioning to a couch and two chairs. 

He walked into his kitchen. 

I sat in the chair closest to the door which had a side table next to it.

The table had a 'Quidditch Through the Ages'. 

I picked it up, of course I had read it at least 50 times. 

I was the Gryffindors main Chaser. 

"I'm so sorry to keep you waiting." He said walking back into the room, sitting down next to George who tensed up slightly. 

"Oh my. I never introduced myself properly, I'm Zonko lovely to meet you all." 

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