The Quidditch World Cup

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We walked up to the giant quidditch pitch. 

I leaned over to Fred and George.

"Imagine playing here." I said. 

"I know right." They said in unison. 

We walked up the stairs to our box. 

The stair felt never ending. 

I kept walking not noticing that we had stopped. 

George grabbed my arm pulling me back to the group. 

It was Malfoy. 

I was good at talking to him because he didn't bother me. 

"Oh shut it Malfoy." I said pushing through my family to meet him face to face. 

"Well hello, Weasley." 

I didn't respond to him. 

"I was talking to you!" He said raising his voice. 

"To which one of us?" I said back coolly. 

"You, Violet." 

"Oh ok. Are we on a first name basis now Malfoy?"

He rolled his eyes. 

"Oh you can do better than that." 

"Come again." He said raising his eyebrow. 

"You can do better than that." I repeated myself, "You really should check your hearing."

"Are those your brothers?" He said gesturing to my clothes.


"Oh well they look like it." 

"Ok." I said. 

"Come on Draco." Lucius Malfoy said. 

"Coming father." He shot me a salty glare before walking off.  

My whole family started to dye laughing. 

"Violet how do you do that?" Harry said walking over to me. 

"I just don't care what he thinks about me. He isn't important to me."

"He isn't important to me either but he ends up under my skin."

My dirty mind got the better of me. 

"So he's on the bottom?" I asked smirking. 


"Umm... nevermind."

We walked up the rest of the stairs to our box. 

Hermione said something about a house elf or something like that but I wasn't really listening. 

I was looking out on the pitch. 

It was huge. 

I walked into a row and sat down. 

I zoned out for a few minutes and then were brought back into life for Ron screaming at the top of his lungs for the Irish. 

I was cheering for the Irish but I wasn't going to scream for them if you know what I mean. 

Then the Bulgarian team flew out. 

Their seeker, Viktor Krum, was still in school. 

"Is he that good?" I thought to myself. 

He was hunch-backed and wasn't very attractive.

"Hunch-back of Notre Dame, anyone one." I muttered under my breath. 

Ireland won, 170-160.  

As we walked back to our tents I saw a familiar face peeking above the crowd. 

It was Wyatt. 

He looked over at me. 

We made eye-contact and he excused himself from his family. 

He walked over to me and stood there for a second. 

"Hi." I said awkwardly. 


"So how did you like the game?"

"I liked it. Viktor did good."

"You say his name like you know him." I said chuckling. 

"That's because we go to school together." 

"Oh right. I knew that. Is he in your year?"

"No but we are the same age."

"He is 16?!?!"

"No, I'm about to be 17." 

"Oh when is your birthday?" 

"It is the week we get back to school, September 1st is when we go back to school and my birthday is the 3rd. When is your birthday, well I guess it isn't just your birthday?"

"My birthday is April 1. You know April Fool's Day."

"That is fun."

"I don't mean to poke into your business but why don't you have an accent? Because well everyone else at your school has one."

"Oh well I grew up here and my mom didn't want me to go to Hogwarts so she sent me to Durmstrang."

"Why didn't she want you to go to Hogwarts?"

"Oh I don't know."

"Do you wish you could come to Hogwarts?"

"A little but more now." 

"Why more now?"

"Oh, um... you wouldn't understand." He said turning slightly pink and scratching the back of his neck.

"Ok?" I said skeptically. 

He shifted his gazed down to his feet keeping his hand on his neck. 

"Oh." I said realizing the reason was me. 

"Yeah." He said lifting his head from the ground to meet my eyes. 

 He much taller than my 5 foot 3 self. 

I bet he was around 6 foot.

I looked up at him and smiled awkwardly. 

"Umm..." I was trying to make conversation but it was a weird situation. 

"You screwed it up." I heard him mutter to himself, "It was nice to talk to you, Violet." 

He turned around and started to walk away. 

I reached out for his arm grabbing it turning him around to face me. 

"You didn't screw it up." I whispered. 

"Really?" He asked. 

"No." I said pulling him in for a hug. 

I put my head on his lower chest.

I felt him gently place his hands on my back. 

"I probably need to go now." I said pulling away from him. 

"It was really nice to talk to you." 

"Right back atcha." I said walking away. 

"You and that guy seemed to be getting along." Bill said as he walked over to me. 

"Come off it. I don't want to be in a relationship." 

I shoved him lightly. 

He grinned.

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