Death Eaters

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I walked into the girls tents. 

Hermione and Ginny were in the boys tent, probably talking about the game that we had just witnessed. 

I got my pajamas, my towel, rag, and my toiletries and walked into the bathroom. 

The bathroom looked almost the same as the one in my room but it was a little smaller. 

I looked at myself in the mirror. 

My hair was in two french braids and had a lot of fly-aways.  

I put my thing on the counter and turned on the shower. 

The water splashed on the tiles again making me let out a heavy sigh that I didn't even know I was holding in. 

I slipped off my clothes and got into the shower. 

The hot water hit my skin making goosebumps erupt over my skin. 

- after shower -

I dried myself off with my soft forest green towel. 

I put on my pajamas and looked at them in the mirror. 

The pajamas:

I walked over to my bed

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I walked over to my bed.

I laid down on my bed and rolled over so I was facing the wall.

"VIOLET! VIOLET!" I heard Dad scream, "COME ON!"

"Wha-what's happening?" I asked feeling my way through the darkness to outside. 

I pushed through flap to outside the tent. 

Then I saw it. 

It was an awful thing to do. 

I felt Fred pull my wrist leading me away. 

"That is cruel." I said to Fred looking back as we ran away. 

"I know." He said looking back, first at me then at the scene. 

I felt a oddly familiar hand grip my other hand. 

I decided to not look back and just keep running. 

We made it to a small section of forest and stopped running. 

I put my hands onto my knees, bending over slightly to catch my breath. 

"How do you roll out of bed and look that good?" George asked. 

"Probably because I showered like 2 hours ago." I said laughing. 

I turned around to see who was holding my other hand. 

"Wyatt?" I asked. 

"Oh hey." He said looking up at me. 

He was sitting on a rock playing in the dirt. 

"What are you doing?" I asked looking down at the dirt he had been drawing in. 

"Oh nothing much."

"Can I sit?" I said sitting down on the little space next to him. 

I practically sat on one of his legs. 

"Um," He looked flustered, "I guess so." 

He scooted over so I would have more room. 

I looked up. 

Fred and George were trying to not make it obvious that they were watching but it wasn't really working.

I looked away from Wyatt. 

There was a clearing and then some mountains.

I could feel Wyatt's eyes on me. 

"Did everyone catch their breath?" I ask standing up. 

I could feel Wyatt looking at me standing up. 

"Yep." The boys replied. 

"Well where should we go now?" I asked. 

"No idea." George said as I walked over to him and Fred. 

"What was that?" Fred whispered to me. 

"What was what?" I whispered looking up at him. 

Wyatt stood up and walked over to us. 

"You know what." He said in an annoyed tone looking towards Wyatt. 

"Oh I don't know. I was in a mood." I chuckled. 

Fred looked at me with a disapproving look. 

"Oh calm down I'm not going to date him anytime soon." 

"Anytime soon!" He yelled.

Wyatt was talking with George who both turned around to look at Fred.

"You good?" George said, "I mean we are trying not to get caught but..."

I stopped him from bursting out laughing. 

"So ...sorry." I said through laughs. 

"It wasn't that funny." Fred muttered which made me laugh even harder. 


"Oh great," I thought. 

"Violet how are you laughing like that in this kind of situation?!?!?!" 

It was Percy. 

He pisses me off. 

"How are you so serious in this kind of situation?" 

"Violet! You are a disgrace to the family name." 

"Says you." I said. 

He just stared at me. 

He rolled his eyes and walked away. 

"Ughhh." I said walking over to George and placed my head on his chest. 

"He pisses me off too." He said placing his hands lightly on my lower back. 

"Let's go where other people are." Fred said.

"Where did Ginny, Hermione, Harry, and Ron go?" I asked. 

"I don't know." George said. 

I heard people screaming. 

I looked at the boys. 

We linked hands and started for the clearing.

I could see a green tint across the field. 

I thought that it was the angle but I was wrong. 

It was as if the moon now glowed green. 

I looked up at the sky. 

I stopped in my tracks. 

The boys were jerked back. 

I let go of Fred and Wyatt's hands.

There was no way. 

No way he is back.  

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