The Whole Family

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Bill and Charlie came in from the back door. 

They must have gotten home when we were gone. 

"Hey!" I yelled running over to them, throwing my arms around them. 

"Damn." I heard Bill mutter. 

"What?" I asked. 

"You are hot."


I don't know if you want to hear that from your oldest brother but you know. 

"You dating anyone?" Charlie asked.


"Have you dated anyone?"

"Yeah. Why are both of you obsessed with my life all of a sudden?"

"Because your our first baby sis." 

"Oh shut it." 

"You should be honored." 

"And yet," Pause for effect, "I'm not." 

Bill lightly pushed me. 

The sun was setting and it left a pink and orange haze across the sky. 

We ate dinner outside. 

"Mum, they don't give a damn about my hair as long as I bring back treasure."

I laughed, that was probably the 30th time she had said something about his hair in the past hour. 

Dinner was really good. 

After dinner we helped clean up the played quidditch until in was to dark to see each other. 

We said good night and walked up to our rooms. 

"Hey." Ginny said.


"Why did you stop talking to Wyatt? He definitely likes you and he is cute." 

"Well," I paused. 

Hermione and Ginny looked at me curiously. 

They didn't know why I broke up with Cedric. 

- flash back -

I was walking to Transfiguration when I heard the sound of lips crashing against each other. 

I walked over to an empty class room. 

The door was closed. 

I pushed the door open just enough so I could see who it was. 

A girl with long raven black hair. 

She was a lot shorter than the boy.

The boy had ruffled brown hair. 

He was holding her neck and she was gripping the desk behind her. 

Then I realized who the boy was.


- end of flash back -

 "Violet?" Ginny asked. 

"Oh sorry." 

"Why didn't talk to Wyatt for longer?"

"I don't want to be a relationship right now and he was about to as me out."

"But why don't you want to be in relationship."

"Just don't. I'm going to go shower." 


I grabbed my towel and rag and walked into the bathroom. 

I turned the shower on. 

The sound of water splashing on the tiles calmed me down.

 I got undressed and hopped into the shower. 

- flash back continued -

My eyes started to sting. 

I realized who the girl was. 

Harry had the biggest crush on her. 

Cho Chang.

I turned around and walked to my class. 

The next time I saw Cedric I'd break up with him. 

- later that day -

"Hey pretty girl." Cedric said as he wrapped his arms around my waist. 

"How has your day been?" I asked. 

"Lovely, how about you?"

"Oh it has been ok."

"Mhm." Cedric started to sway back and forth holding me close to him body. 

"Please stop." 

"Why, love?" He whispered into my neck. 

"Because I'm not your only love!" I whispered back at him. 

"What do you mean?" He asked turning me around so I was facing him.

"I saw your little event with Cho," He looked confused, "In the empty classroom."

"Oh darling, that was nothing." 

"Really, because it didn't look like nothing." I said tearing up. 


"We're done." I said walking away, wiping a tear out of my eye.

- end of flash back -

"I loved him." I whispered. 

I turned off the water and dried myself off. 

I put my pajama's on and got in bed. 

Tomorrow was gonna be a long day. 

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