Hogwarts Hoggy Warty Hogwarts

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I grabbed my robes and left the compartment. 

I walked past Harry, Ron, and Hermione's compartment. 

They were already in their robes and were talking about something very intensely.

I slightly waved at Hermione who saw and nodded and then got right back to talking. 

Then I passed Ginny's compartment. 

She was about to change like I was. 

She was in a compartment with Luna. 

I stood outside her compartment and waited for her so we could go together. 

"Oh hey!" Ginny said as she closed the door. 

"Hey." I said back.

"How is Lee?" 

"He is umm ... Lee, if you know what I mean." 

"Fun." She said grinning slightly. 

"How about Luna?" 

"She is her normal self, you know." 

"Oh. That's been fun, huh?"

"It is so hard not to laugh sometimes."

"I love how you are the most popular girl in 3rd year and your the sweetest. It's a great combo. I wish more people were like you."

"Thanks but your just saying that because I'm your sister."

"I'm not."

"Okay sure."

"Honest. Swear on Merlin's beard."

I walked up to the bathroom and motioned for her to go in. 

She walked in and I stood with my back again walk. 

"I'll be back in a second guys." A far too familiar voice said. 

 I looked over and saw Cedric exiting his compartment. 

"Oh shit." I muttered under my breath. 

The only design flaw on the train was that it only had on restroom. 

Like a plane. 

Cedric stood next to me holding his robes in one hand. 

I looked the other way, which was into a wall. 

It isn't that Cedric was there, standing next to me, it was that I was at where our whole relationship was. 

We started to date at the end of October and we broke up at the end May. 

He hurt me here.

"Hey." Cedric said. 


"So how have you been?" 

"Good." I said shortly trying to finish the conversation. 

We stood there for a few seconds which felt like an eternity. 

Ginny open the door in her robes. 

Her eyes got wide as she muttered, "Damn." 

I went into the restroom and locked the door. 

Cedric let out a sigh when I locked the door. 

I did too. 

I pulled off my clothes and put on my robes.

The robes:

The robes:

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