Chapter 2: Memories

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* Andrea's POV *

“Hey sweetheart, breakfast is ready!” mum said while knocking on my door. She didn’t hear me wake up, so she peeked open the door a bit to see what I’ve been up to. “Hey sweetheart,” she repeated, “I made breakfast.” To which I nodded that I will follow soon. She then said, “Okay”, then headed out the door.

It was 9:00AM, and usually I’d be in school at this hour. I would probably be in Science class and we would probably make another lab experiment for the next 45 minutes, wearing our white lab gowns and a pair of protective eye glasses, and writing reports for each development that we have seen in the experiment. But now, I’m at home, with all these boxes scattered on the floor. I sat in my bed like I’m unsure of things that I have to do next. I sat there with confusion, staring into nothingness.

I finally decided to start my day as I head to the bathroom and freshened up. It felt like I was moving in a slow motion, and the things surrounding me were moving the opposite way, in a fast paced manner. Like I was walking with a crowd, but you can definitely see how lost I was. I was confused, still. It felt this was just a dream, and I would wake up sooner than I’d think. Being in a foreign country made me so nervous, but then I thought of what Sarah told me last night. “I can do this,” I said to myself.

I went downstairs then head to the kitchen to see that my parents are already having breakfast. My dad eating toasts while reading the paper, my mum making coffee, and my brother eating pancakes like there’s no tomorrow.

“Good morning dear,” dad said, “how was your sleep?”

“It was good,” I replied, while I headed to get some hot chocolate, and get the last piece of pancake.

“Would you like more? I can make you more pancakes,” Mum asked.

“No, I’m good. I’m not that hungry,” while I looked angrily at my brother, and then he laughed.

“I’m going to visit Sarah in school later, I need to say goodbye in person, and also get a transcript of records” I told my parents.

“If you need a ride, I can drop you off” my dad offered.

“No, I’m good. I really wanna do this alone. Thanks for the offer.”

“Okay, Andi.” He said, his eyes still focused on the newspaper.

I hurriedly drank my hot chocolate, burning my tongue for a second, sliced my pancakes and shoved them to my mouth. I actually heard my mum say, “Slow down honey,” like I was part of a racing match and wanted to win the race. I finished my breakfast exactly ten minutes and I went back to my room to continue on my packing game.

So what’s next? I thought as I scanned the room. I still have more things to load. I placed labels on each box so when I unpack later on, I’d know which ones to open first, or which one contains my precious belongings.  I started on opening my chest which contains letters, and gifts I had gotten since I was young, from relatives and friends. Every time I see a letter or other memorabilia, I somewhat still remember how I got that and what had happened during that day. I like keeping things, which makes my mum mad because she thinks those are just added trash in the house. But I managed to get them away from her sight. I re-read the letters, and made fun of my old diary. I never knew the day would come when I felt like everything I have written down on my journal would be funny. I was so depressed then. I listened to all the haters and bullies, and actually thought I better die than to live everyday seeing them and hearing what they have to say about me. I didn’t actually tell my family about it because I didn’t want them to worry about me. I thought they are already going through some of their own business that it will be more work if I drag them to mine. But now, I didn’t care at all. I was a free bird.  

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