Chapter 19: Unveiling Luke's Feelings

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* Luke's POV *

I never believed at ‘love at first sight’ until I met Andi. It was magical. There were like these electrical veins that have woken my heart out. I read on the Internet that some people actually have mistaken this ‘love at first sight’ every time they see a beautiful girl when it’s only just a ‘crush’. Well, I thought mine was just a ‘crush’.

Love at first sight is easy to understand; it’s when two people have been looking at each other for a lifetime that it becomes a miracle. True, it’s easy. But the thing is, I have no idea if Andi felt the same way. If Andi would ever see me more than Jai’s twin brother. I’m not even sure if she has been looking for this love, or is it just me.

The first time I saw her in school was during her first day. That time we bumped each other in the hallway, I thought fate was on my side. I never thought about researching on fate and destiny back then. But every time I see her, my heart melts especially when she’s not with Jai. Don’t get me wrong, I love my brother. I know Jai loves Andi more than a best friend. We’re twins so I know how he’s feeling. I’ve been trying to ignore these feelings I have for Andi for him, but love can’t be controlled as much as you ignore it. I can’t hold back what I have for her. I tried.

Being around Andi, being her shoulder to cry on was hard for me. I do want to help her out, but she’s helping me more to fall in love with her. She’s this amazing person who I can’t get out of my mind, no matter how much I try. No matter how much I ignore, it just won’t wash away my feelings. I knew I’d lose Andi or Jai if this continued, and somehow Jai is still my priority. He’s my twin after all and I would never choose anyone before him, even if my heart would break.

I was still sick and in bed, but I felt better because Andi was just here to take care of me. She did great. I actually was inspired to make a video for everyone can see just to update everyone. Seeing Andi in the morning made me in good mood, and started to daydream about her. I remembered the day I first saw her in the hallway, she dropped a lucky clover keychain I hid in my secret cabinet stash. I hurried to get it and went back to bed. I looked at it as if it was a precious stone and I could get a lot of money if I turn it in. I looked at it as if I was Andi’s lucky charm. I remember Andi mentioned before that I keep popping up whenever she needs someone to talk to. I was always there for her. Maybe this keychain has real magic powers, and it was helping me be her ‘lucky charm’.

I admit, our school hallway must be one of my lucky charms. I did meet Andi there and we usually have our conversations in that same place. Coincidence? Yeah maybe at first I’d say it was a coincidence. But every moment spent with Andi, happened in that hallway. Maybe it’s called a ‘hallway love affair’, or maybe not. I went back to the time when Andi walked out from the group. That time in school when she hid inside the bathroom for so long, and was embarrassed on how she reacted. I do think she may have overreacted but I understood how she felt. I knew this was new for her and I’m once again here to listen to all her rants. It was in that same hallway, as we were about to go to the cafeteria. We had a heartfelt discussion over what she was in the past. I was honored that she shared those details with me. It made me fall in love with her more. It made me think that she trusts me enough that she’s sharing what she was like before. I knew the feeling of being bullied, and I felt sorry for her. I wanna hug her at that time. I would have probably even kissed her in that same hallway, but I didn’t have the guts. I was scared of what reaction she might have done. But most likely, I was scared that she should reject me.

We went inside the cafeteria and everyone was teasing how late we have showed up. I saw Jai’s reaction and I knew deep inside those smiles he was hurting. He was hurting not because Andi was with another guy, but he was hurting because Andi was with me. I knew that Jai could make her laugh, but I know that Jai thinks I can cheer her up better. It was hard to look in Jai’s eyes because I felt the same way. I felt the same hurt. Having to see the girl I love cheering up my twin brother was hard enough. All those happy memories in the hallway are slowing sinking and telling me that Andi will never love me the same way she might have feel for Jai. I don’t actually know if Andi loves him more than a best friend, but seeing how Andi cares for him breaks me inside a million times. I should’ve kissed you, I should’ve of shown you how I feel. I didn’t care anymore if she rejected me, at least I would get the answer if she feels the same way, so I can stop this illusion that she will ever love me. If she just saw what I can see, then maybe she’ll understand why I want her so desperately.

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