Masky X Reader X Hoodie, Part 5: Welcome to The Family

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You woke up in rough, scratch sheets. Opening your eyes blearily, you saw a... a creature with red skin and a long snoutish nose similar to a dog, and its mouth stretched in a never-ending smile. Something in your head snapped. Smile Dog! So the creepypastas were real... You always fantasized about them being real, but here they were. Or at least, one of them were. Turning your head over, you saw your suitcase neatly next to the bed, with a red splatter on the left corner. Blood! But who's...? I need to get out of here! you thought. Smile Dog turned around and saw you were awake. His grin seemed to suddenly widen and he bounded out of the room with a great leap, yip-yapping all the way.

Taking advantage of his absence, you quickly slipped out of the sheets and changed your filthy, stinky clothes for a fresh pair of clothes, on the bottom of your suitcase. You were in a sorry state, with almost your entire body covered in scratchy mosquito bites. Digging through your pack, you found a bottle of anti-itch and you gratefully lathered it on your mosquito bites. Peeking out the hallway, you saw it was deserted. A further look showed that a flight of stairs was on the side nearby, and a door that was labeled in rundown, peeling paint said EmergEncy EXit. 

Taking a decision, you bolted down the hall to the emergency exit. However, when you were inside, it was evident that the emergency door wasn't to go outside, it was for a lab! Thanks to your knowledge, you knew where you were: Doctor Smileys lab! Organs and brains in jars lined the walls. You felt faint and collapsed on the floor. The last thing you heard was footsteps running down the hall. How did the he/she/whatever realize you were there? Looking down (Wait you on the floor already XD) you saw a long, narrow trip line snaking across the floor...

And then you passed out.

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