Masky X Reader X Hoodie Part 10: Freedom..?

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Upon your apology, they leaned outward above you and undid your bonds at a inhumane speed. You watched their whole show in silence. The black masked person named after clothing beckoned you as they left through the door again, and you quickly pursued them.  After you went

                                                                          Up the staircase,

                                               Up and

                    Up and

Up and

you were greeted by a room that simply set you at ease, with no particular reason. Mabye it was the lack of kidneys, candy, electronic devices, knives and guns and weapons in there. A hearth roared merrily in the side of the room, a desk with rather blunt pens (not good weapons), 2 chairs, 2 beds, a rather mysterious closet, a window so small that if it was any smaller you might not fit through, a calander displaying a different cat every month, and that was all. As your eyes scanned the room, you couldn't tell why you were brought to this room, as a quiet voice said to you: "This is our room.""Cozy, isn't it?""Slender chose us for you to sleep with(NOT SEXUALLY)." You gave a quiet mutter or thanks, wondering where you would be sleeping, as the two beds weren't enough for 3 people, even if pushed together.

You jumped as a voice whispered in your ear; "The blankets on the floor in the corner is your sleeping space, (Y/N)" Hastily, in order to cover up from your mild scare, you said "Th-th-anks?"  your mood fouled a bit from your breathless voice. A chuckle came from the corner, where Masky sat down. Simultaneously they said "We'll be right back..." and vanished out the door which you missed. Again. (You need glasses, Y/N!) You didn't know what to do. Sitting down on your sheets, which you promptly realized it was from the suitcase, you thought an glanced out the window, where the full moon emerged from the clouds. A bark mist gathering in the ground. The menacing eviroment outside looked like it wanted to eat you whole. You could stay with these glorified trolls of a killer, or you could try to escape in the deep, dark mist (Hint hint creepypasta?).

(A): If you choose to escape, go to Chapter A.

(B): If you choose to wait, go to Chapter B.

(Sorry guys I want to do a choice thing every now and then, mabye every ten chapters if it gets that long XD)

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