Masky X Reader X Hoodie Part 7: Truce?

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You were accommodating with them, doing your best to try to get along (I mean, think about it, they are a bunch of SERIAL KILLERS. Do you really want to get in a fight?). You tried to keep all their names in check. Jeff the Killer, Laughing Jack "You can call me LJ!",  Eyeless Jack,  and so forth. "Hey uh, (Y/N)? Can we head outside a moment?" said the one named Masky and the one names Hoodie. Reluctantly, you followed them outside.

"Listen Y/N..." "Were sorry we killed your family.." "It  was necessary..." "Will you forgive us?" The last phrase was spoken simultaneously. "NO! YOU KILLED EVERYONE I LOVE! I HATE YOU, AND YOU SHOULD GO BURN IN HELL!" Tears streaked down your face, a creek flowing from your eyes. All the dust collected on your face was turning your tears into a ashy, sooty shade of brown.

"Look-" "I DON'T CARE! I WISH YOU NEVER EXISTED! YOU DON'T BELONG ON THE FACE OF EARTH!" You observed a head sticking out the window, a head with hair as black as ash and a bloodstained white hoodie. "Stop yelling! We can all hear you know!" Despite yourself, you blushed. Immediately, you stomped inside and and slammed the door and bolted it. Lets see them get inside now, huh?

You were so angry that  your blood rised to a rate you thought you may explode. You found a archway, this time leading to a living room. Throwing yourself down on the couch, you fell into a deep, unrestful sleep.

When you woke up, you were in the same room as the previous chapter of this story, but you were feeling... Different. The room was brightly lit with unseen lights. You hands were red, ugly claws and you face was a freaking MESS. Where did a mirror come in? No clue. You tried to shout, but a hoarse crackly noise came instead... What was going on?

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