Masky X Reader X Hoodie Part 9: Sorry

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You looked at your ugly form in blood-red hate. Throwing your fist (Claw?) forward, you smashed a mirror that went on, up and up and up, out of your sight. Well that explains how you knew what you looked like! You ran down the rest of the hallway, the walls pulsating. A black mist began to creep at your ankles and rise in a choking, smothering cloud. You cough, a harsh metallic raspy sound, as the blackness seemed to swirl, more than that stripy guys nose, and you hear a harsh wheeze whisper in your ear:

"The battle is only beginning. I will prevail."

Gasping, you rose from your sleep- or tried to. Straps held you in and tubes with an eerie look to them, filled to the brim with a bluish-green fluid that was attached to your arm. A metal thing was attached to your mouth, preventing you from crying out. You shook your head back and forth, until the metal thing fell out. Having the sense not to scream (Which may annoy your captors), you listed to the voices talking next door. Was it those killers who killed your parents? Yes!

"We cant just leave her be."

"But shes sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!"

"I know. Shes smart too. She identified us all."

"WTF? How do you know that?"

"Slender told me."

"Where is he now?"

"Buying cheesecake and waffles to keep his proxy's happy."

"Oh, I almost forgot."

"Besides, yfnd fsnjfs modhf sdjfh..."

Angry that they weighed your life less than a cheesecake, you let out a angry huff.

"Shes awake!"

"Well you go apologize!"

"No you!"

 "No you!"

You almost giggled. Although they were grown killers, they were a bit... well.. childish. Stepping in from a door you somehow didn't notice (Mabye you need glasses),  they looked at eachother, then simultaneously said:

"Were sorry..."

You were feeling bad at almost laughing at them, so instantly said that it was okay.

You saw the edges of the mask bend as though they were smiling.

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